Money trouble

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A/N: Life is shit. Also this is pretty specific to what's happening to me atm, so maybe not super relatable. Also platonic, civilian reader.

"Aaaaargh, I'm so fucking broke" you yelled into your pillow.

You were laying on your bed, spread out like a starfish and getting really, really fucking frustrated. You felt like throwing things at the nearest wall, but decided against it, since if you actually broke something, god forbid the actual wall, that would be costly. And that was something you couldn't currently afford.

"I can't fucking afford anything can I?" you huffed and shoved the pillow against your face.

"If you're gonna suffocate yourself, please do it on your own time" a familiar voice came from the window.

"Well hello, Dabi" you emphasized his name, but didn't remove the pillow from your face.

You heard the window shut before you could feel the bed pressing down on one side and him grabbing the pillow from your face, throwing it to the side. Even though the room wasn't brightly lit, you covered your eyes with your hands.

"What's the deal this time?" Dabi asked.

"I got a notice today that I owe social services like a couple thousand, and I'm fucking financially ruined, but I'm just great" you said with an upbeat tone, but a serious expression.

"Ah... wanna rob a bank?" Dabi suggested, sounding like he was only half joking.

"Nah, not really, I just want to win the lottery, because that's much easier, right?"

You pulled your hands down against your face, pulling your lids down with your hands a little and distorting your face, before just spreading your arms out to your sides. You reminded Dabi of a starfish, splayed out like that.

"I'm gonna get the decision about how much I will have to pay back in a couple of months probably. If I don't get a job before my counseling and benefits stop, I'm gonna be so fucked, because I can't afford to live then" you sighed.

"I wasn't joking about robbing the bank ya know, at least not completely"

"I respect the path you've chosen to take in life, even if I don't approve, so you could at least do the same for me"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Dabi shrugged.

"What are you doing here anyway? Not that I don't enjoy your company, but you never come here" you asked and sat up.

"I was in the neighborhood, so I figured I'd stop by. Also cops and heroes won't find me here"

"Arson?" you sighed.

"Murder" Dabi corrected.

"Ah" you nodded.

"Ya know, I can't really give you any advice, or at least not anything you would take seriously, but I'm sure things will sort themselves out" Dabi said.

"That's awfully optimistic of you"

"What can I say, I'm an eternal optimist" Dabi grinned.

"You most definitely aren't though"

"Well an occasional one then" Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Sure, let's go with that" you said sarcastically, but it got you smiling a little.

"There's that smile" Dabi smirked slyly.

You were just about to say a thank you to him, when Dabi's phone rang. He picked it up, listened to what the person on the other end had to say and hung up. You could see his expression change just lightly, something about the look in his eyes changed, like a small flame had been lit behind them.

"Good news I take it?"

"We'll see, but it seems I've gotta go now" Dabi said, and stood up, heading towards the window and the fire escape.

"Whatever it is, be careful and take care of yourself" you said and waved at him as he opened the window and stepped into the fire escape stairs outside.

"Sure I will" he rolled his eyes and closed the window, before disappearing down the stairs.

Dabi didn't get to see you very often nowadays, since the League and the Liberation Front kept him so busy. He didn't miss you exactly, he just wanted to check that you were safe and living your life normally. You were the last safe haven he had left, and he would very much like to keep you around for as long as possible.

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