Big Bro Dabi 3

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A/N: This is the prequel sequel to the other two Big Bro Dabi chapters, about how the reader met Dabi and how they ended up with the League. I also ended this a bit lazily, but oh weeeell

Dabi was wandering the streets once again. Shigaraki had pissed him off and he had left the hideout, disguised as to not draw attention to himself. His appearance tended to attract people's attention and he definitely didn't need that right now. There probably wasn't a person in Mustafa who didn't know his face. It was exactly the kind of notoriety he had been looking for, but right now, it was a pain in the ass.

You needed money. Your mother had broken your headphones and you needed to buy new ones. The problem was, since your parents didn't let you work, you didn't have any money. So for a couple of months now, you had been pickpocketing. You'd gotten pretty damn good at it too. You targeted people in big crowds, since it was easier to disappear into the sea of people, and no one really thought twice about being bumped into in a crowd. You picked the pocket of some guy who was dressed completely in black clothes. You slipped into a nearby alleyway, completely oblivious to the fact that you hadn't gotten away with it and that you were being followed.

Dabi was pissed, so he was looking for an excuse to make someone suffer. Someone picking his pocket was the perfect excuse to spread some hurt. He followed you at a distance, almost losing you in the crowd in the process, but he caught up to you as you slipped into an alley.

He followed you deeper into the alley away from prying eyes.

You could hear the footsteps getting closer and when you looked back, you noticed the person whose wallet you were going through. You started running, but were stopped by a flash of blue flames that shot past you. Was it actually him? Was it that villain who had been burning people alive recently? Dabi? Why was your luck so shit?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" you exclaimed, bowing repeatedly and offering his wallet back to him.

Maybe you could get out of this with minimal injuries if you just didn't antagonize him.

"Give me my cash" Dabi hissed as he looked through his wallet.

In your panic, you had totally forgotten about the cash you had stuffed into your hoodie pocket. You started pulling it out, but your hands were trembling so badly you dropped most of it.

"So-sorry, I'll pick it up" you stammered, kneeling down to gather the cash.

"You kids these days have no common sense. Why would you just pick anyone's pocket? You gotta pick your targets better" Dabi muttered, not actually expecting you to answer.

"I need new headphones because my mom broke mine" you explained, wondering why he would ask you something like that.

"You do realize I wasn't actually lookin for an answer, right?"

"Yeah, I don't really know why I answered" you muttered as you stood up and handed him his cash.

There was just something so pathetic about you, maybe you reminded him of himself back in the day. Lost, broken and with no place to belong to. It's not like he was going to give you his money, but he wasn't going to hurt you like he had originally planned. Perhaps you could be of use.

"What kind of quirk you got?" Dabi asked.

"I can speed up people's healing while I'm touching them. Why?" you answered cautiously, figuring it was probably best to be honest.

"I'm givin you a choice, you can come with me and do somethin with your life or just go on with your shitty existence until you pick the wrong person's pocket and end up dead in a ditch somewhere"

You were pretty damn curious about why a villain like Dabi would want to help someone like you. Although you weren't sure if he actually thought of it as helping, or as just furthering his own agenda, you were quite sure it was the latter. Your curiosity got to be too much, so you decided to go with him. How much worse could it really be than your current situation?

That's how you ended up with the League. By picking the pocket of one of the worst villains alive.

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