Abusive bf part 2

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Author's note: I tried to write this one as gender neutral. This is a part 2 to the "Abusive bf" one that I've posted before, so read that one first I guess

Against your better judgement, you decided to go to your apartment to get some of your things. Dabi had been there to "deal" with your boyfriend the evening before, so you were pretty sure he wouldn't be around. He was probably too busy being treated at the hospital for burns.

The place was a mess, Dabi had apparently taken his anger out on not only your boyfriend, but also the apartment, you were just glad he hadn't burnt the whole thing down with your boyfriend still inside of it. Dabi had also apparently kicked the door open, but you managed to mostly fix it.

You grabbed a bag from one of the closets, and started packing some necessities. You could spend a few nights at the League's place and come back to the apartment after you got everything sorted out with your boyfriend. Well, probably your ex-boyfriend after what Dabi had done. You didn't like seeing people hurt, you weren't that kind of a person by any stretch of the imagination, but some people definitely deserved it. You got the feeling you should take some of your more important stuff with you, just in case your boyfriend decided to smash some of your stuff.

You were just about to put your shoes back on and leave to go back to the League, when you heard someone twisting a key in the front door lock. The door opened and your boyfriend stepped in. His whole right arm was bandaged, and you could see his shirt had some holes burnt through it. He also had a black eye and he seemed to be walking with a bit of a limp.

"I-I was just leaving" you stammered and put your shoes on as quickly as you could.

"I don't think so bitch" he said, blocking the doorway. "You know what happened last night, right? The same jackass that answered your phone, got the shit beat out of him when he broke in here and tried to kick my ass" he said, obviously trying to seem tough, when he was the one who got the shit beat out of him.

You tried your best not to agitate him so you just asked: "Would you please let me leave? I have somewhere to be"

"You're not going anywhere" he said and grabbed you by the hair, bringing his face close to yours. You winced as he pulled your hair, but you didn't struggle, you knew that would only make it worse.

"You're gonna be a good little cunt and clean this mess" he continued and threw you to the floor.

You hit your side and right arm to the step that leads to the hallway, and you could feel your anger starting to rise. You had had enough of his shit. You didn't care about the consequences anymore, you wouldn't be treated like this. Your side hurt a lot and getting up from the floor was a bit painful, but you'd manage.

"Fuck you! I have somewhere to be and I'm not cleaning up your shit. You're gonna be out of here by the time weekend comes, or so help me I'm gonna throw your stuff out in garbage bags!" you yelled.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" he growled and tried to kick you, but you moved out of the way, pushed him to the wall and ran out of the door with your bag.

You ran down the stairs almost tripping a few times, and out onto the street, you could hear your ex's muffled shouting even there, but you didn't care, you just wanted to get away from him.

You made your way to the League's base of operations and pretty much the second you got inside and shut the door behind yourself, your body just decided not to hold itself up anymore. Your legs gave out from under you and you promptly dropped to your knees and then your ass.

You had actually done it, you had stood up to him. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so you settled somewhere in the middle. You started laughing, but also crying at the same time, it was a really weird mix.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dabi asked as he noticed you sitting on the floor in front of the door.

"He's gonna kill me, he's so gonna kill me" you muttered.

"Did that asshole do something to you again? I swear to god I'm gonna kill him this time" he growled and stood up from the couch.

Dabi was going to walk past you, but you grabbed his wrist and just said: "Please, don't get involved anymore, he's just gonna retaliate" with an empty look in your eyes.

"He can't retaliate if he's dead" Dabi stated bluntly and pulled his hand away from your grip.

You stood up, but got a stabbing pain on your side from doing so. You had to press your hand to your side as you muttered curses in pain.

"Jesus fucking christ owwww" you muttered under your breath.

"Alright that's it" Dabi said and pulled the door open, stomping out.

When Dabi got to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, soon to be dead boyfriend, he knocked on the door this time.

"You came crawling back, huh bitch" a voice said before even opening the door.

"Ding dong, you're wrong" Dabi said as he decked the guy straight to the mouth with a flaming fist as the door opened.

"You don't get to get away with hurting them" Dabi growled as he continued to beat and burn the guy. "You don't get to do that shit to someone you claim to care about"

When Dabi finally finished the job, he was out of breath and his hands were smoking. He didn't take too long to get out of there after that, since someone had probably called the police with all the screaming that your ex had been doing.

He had overheated himself from burning the guy so much, so he had to lean against a wall in an alley not too far from your apartment.

"Fuck" he muttered, still out of breath.

Dabi eventually made it back to the League's lair and grabbed an ice pack for his hands after that, he pretty much collapsed next to you on the couch.

"I know you said you cared about me, but you're going a bit overboard with this whole protective thing" you said and scooted to the opposite end of the couch.

Dabi didn't take offense to you putting some distance between him and yourself, he understood you were a bit wary about men at the moment.

"I just can't stand abusive scum like him, so I just took out the trash"

"I don't really feel like it's appropriate to thank you for literally murdering someone, but thank you for protecting me" you said.

"Like I said, I just took out the trash" Dabi said.

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