Highschool AU part 3

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A/N: Part 3 is here for those of you who were interested. The previous parts are in this same book of course if you're new here. I hope you guys like this, it ended up a bit longer than the previous ones but I don't think anyone minds

You were pretty nervous. Touya had asked you to go out with him for the first time. Sure you'd gone out with him and Keigo before, but you'd never been out with just Touya, and definitely not on a date with him. This was a date right? He had actually used the words "hang out" so maybe you should just call it that?

"Omg, why is this so hard?" you muttered as you went through your closet, trying to pick some nice but still comfortable clothes.

You eventually picked a pair of jeans and a nice shirt and decided that would do. You didn't want to be late so you decided you would be at the movie theater 15 minutes earlier than what you had agreed on. You grabbed your phone and rushed to put your shoes on. You shouted a quick goodbye to your parents, who told you to have a good time, and then you were out the door.

You walked to the movie theater and to your surprise, Touya was already there. He was never early for anything, so you were a bit confused as to why he was already there.

"Hey Touya" you greeted as you approached him.

"Hey" he said with a small wave, before shoving his hand back into his hoodie pocket.

"You're really early" you said as you stopped in front of him.

"Yeah, I didn't want you to have to wait alone, you're always so damn early to everything" he noted with a smirk.

"I can't really argue with that to be fair" you chuckled.

Touya offered his hand to you and when you grabbed it with a smile. The two of you walked into the theater lobby and went to buy your tickets for the movie you had picked earlier.

"You wanna share a tub of popcorn?" you asked, already excitedly pulling him towards the snack side of the counter.

"It'd better be a big one" Touya smirked.

"Yep, besides you always eat all your popcorn before the movie even starts and I want to have some for the movie too" you teased.

Touya just rolled his eyes, but he couldn't really argue, because you were absolutely right.

You ended up buying a huge tub of popcorn and a small drink for each of you.

You went to sit down on the seats you'd picked and while you waited for the movie to start, you talked a bit.

"You look nice btw, I don't think I mentioned that earlier" Touya said nonchalantly while he grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"Thanks, you look nice too" you said with a smile.

Your smile made him look away and just shove some popcorn into his mouth. You were so beautiful when you smiled and it often made him feel flustered when he saw you like that.

The movie started after a few more minutes and by then Touya had already eaten like ¼ of the popcorn. It wasn't exactly a scary movie, but there were a few loud, sudden sounds that startled you and made you grab Touya's hand. He never pulled his hand away, he just grabbed yours and kept holding onto it, lacing his fingers with yours.

You could feel your cheeks getting warm as you blushed when he held your hand. You were just glad you were in a dark movie theater, so he couldn't really see your face.

Touya watched the movie, sure, but he also spent like half of the time just looking at you. Your expressions, the way you smiled and chuckled at some of the jokes in the movie, while rolling your eyes at others. You caught him looking at you a couple of times, which made him turn his gaze back to the movie for a while, but he always ended up just looking at you.

The movie came to an end and the two of you took your trash to the nearest trashcan and made your way back to the lobby.

"The movie was pretty good" you said as the two of you walked out of the theater.

"Yeah I guess" Touya said nonchalantly, rubbing the back of his neck.

It was already getting a bit late, but Touya didn't feel like going home yet. He wanted to spend more time with you.

"You wanna go walk around the park or something. I kinda don't feel like going home yet" he asked.

"Sure, I wanted to spend more time with you anyway" you smiled, making Touya avert his gaze again.

You grabbed his hand and the two of you started walking towards the park. It was already getting dark, but luckily the park was quite well lit.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the weekend, it's only Friday after all" you inquired.

"I don't really have any tbh. You got any ideas?" he asked.

"Hmmm, I don't really know. I'm probably gonna be sleeping late tomorrow, but I don't really have anything planned besides that. Maybe we could hang out again?"

"Is that what this is? Hanging out?"

"Well kinda, I haven't been on very many dates and I didn't want to label it in case it makes you uncomfortable or something" you said quietly.

"I'm happy to call it whatever you want, but I just wanna ask if you thought of it as a date, even if you don't call it that?" Touya said, scratching his cheek and not really looking you in the eye.

"Yes! I mean... I like you a lot, so I'd like to think this is a date" you said awkwardly.

"Okay, good then" Touya sighed in relief.

"Were you nervous about that? I don't think either of us actually called this a date when we were setting this up, so I get it if there was confusion or something"

"I guess, I don't really know. You just sort of make me nervous in general" Touya blurted out.

You looked at him with a bit of an odd look on your face, before starting to laugh. You had to cover your mouth with your other hand to keep your voice down even a bit.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Touya asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, before explaining yourself.

"It's just that I don't really understand why I would make you nervous. I'm just me, and you're, well you. I feel like you're always so confident and to be honest, I don't really get why someone like you would like someone like me"

"Huh?" Touya exclaimed. "Of course I like you, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't. You're so kind, sweet, smart and on top of that, you're super attractive" he just announced without really thinking.

After he realized what he'd said, he went beet red and you could feel his hand getting really warm. You just kept staring at each other, before your surprised expression changed into a gentle smile and Touya noticed you were starting to tear up.

"Did I say something bad? Why the hell are you crying?" he panicked.

"No no" you said as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve. "You said something good, thank you"

You stepped closer to him and grabbed his other hand as well, before getting really close and slowly starting to close the distance between your lips and his. You were giving him enough time to pull away, but that didn't end up being necessary.

"Too slow" Touya whispered, before quickly closing the distance between your lips and kissing you softly.

You were surprised by how gentle he was, since you weren't really expecting that. Touya was holding your hands tightly and you could feel them getting warmer and warmer, which you took as a good sign to pull back a bit. You were breathing a bit heavier than usual and so was he.

"Can't have you overheating on me" you smirked.

Touya's head was spinning. Mostly because of the fact that you had just kissed him and partly because he had a hard time controlling his quirk when he got flustered or excited and right now he was both.

"Yeah, I wouldn't wanna pass out on you" he muttered awkwardly.

Touya walked you home and you told each other good night on the steps of your house. It had been a really nice night, and you both hoped you could do it again soon.

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