Dabi in the hospital part 5

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It was time for him to go. The prison van was waiting and there were guards all around him. You just stood at the hospital door, watching the guards escort Dabi to the van.

Dabi had noticed something after the last evening. No one had come to give him his quirk suppressants. Usually the night shift nurses had been religious about giving them to him. But by some miracle, they had forgotten. A normal human error, but something that would now play hugely in his favor. He could use his quirk. He knew it. It wouldn't be easy to get away from all these guards, but it was doable.

So he would go, you weren't sure why you were so hung up on this. He was just a patient, and a criminal for that matter. You were just taking care of him, like you would anyone else, but you felt like there was something. Compassion maybe? Empathy for the horrors he must've suffered to have been so gravely scarred. But even if you felt for him, it didn't mean anything.

Dabi looked back to see you still lingering at the entrance. You gave him a small smile when he met your gaze, but you soon averted your eyes from him. That was better, you didn't need to look at him for what was about to happen. Dabi took a deep breath and opened his fists. A cloud of smoke covered the van and the surrounding area in an instant. He could feel the familiar heat raging all around him, and smell the stench of burning flesh, that was a familiar one too. But now was the time to run. No one could see anything, and there was nothing holding him.

You jumped back in surprise as the explosion went off. The smoke hit against your face and you could feel it already burning in your throat. How in the hell could this happen? Had someone been careless with the suppressants? No, that was not a thought for this moment. Now you needed to help, as surely there were those who were injured. You looked around and knelt next to a guard whose, right arm was completely burned. You looked up, and locked eyes with him. He was running away, but had turned to glance back.

You were kneeling in the middle of the smoke, and still you managed to look him straight in the eyes. But those eyes weren't the ones you'd been looking at earlier. No, these eyes were burning. With rage or insanity or something else, you didn't know, but his demeanor had changed. For the first time you were actually terrified of him. It was as if they were saying; "Do you see me now?"

"I see you" you whispered, not breaking eye contact with him.

Dabi had stopped, just for a second. He didn't know why, but the fact that you now saw him for what he really was felt like a victory to him. Do you see now? The monster he knew he was. But that monster had to flee. He had no time to waste on sharing anymore glances with you. You were just like this moment, fleeting, like everything had to be. Something temporary that was coming to an end. 

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