No point?

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A/N: Ah yes, catering to the wide audience that is myself, because I caaaaaaaan. I guess this would be where the anime is at right now, so just before season 6 starts. Just stuff I've been thinking about lately I guess

You were laying on the couch where the League was currently basing, with your head on Dabi's lap.

"Hey Dabi?" you asked. "Do you ever feel like you don't have a purpose, like your existence doesn't even have a point?"

"Why you asking me that? You know the answer" he asked, moving his gaze from the TV down to you.

"Oh come one, humor me" you chuckled.

"Don't think so" Dabi said with a smug smirk.

"You're sooooo, boring" you said before swiftly pressing a knife to his throat with a grin.

"Very funny (Name)" Dabi rolled his eyes and placed his fingers on the blade, pushing it back down.

You placed the knife back onto the strap on your thigh and sighed loudly.

"Aaanyway, I don't really feel like there's a point to life. I just want to have something that feels meaningful. I joined the League because it seemed like you guys could give me that, but things have gone in a direction I don't really care for. I don't care about whatever war we're about to start, I just want to have a purpose"

"I don't particularly care about the whole war either, I mean it's good, and if it gets me closer to killing my bastard father, I'll gladly wage war on the whole hero society" Dabi growled.

He got that tiny glint in his eyes when he spoke about his father, it made the fire inside him burn a little wilder, a little bit more uncontrollably.

"You've just gotta find yourself an anchor, something to keep you focused and it'll go from there" he continued a bit more calmly.

"Do you have something like that?" you asked.

Dabi was thinking how to answer what you'd asked. He wasn't really the soft and sappy kind, and he wasn't about to start now. He knew the answer of course. For a long time all that had kept him going was his hatred for his father, but ever since he met you it had been you. You'd kept him grounded, as much as someone like him could be, but he wouldn't admit that, not to you and not really to himself either.

"My hate for that bastard father of mine is enough for me" he said.

"Maybe I'll start hating you, see if that will give me some direction" you joked.

"Haahaa, very funny" Dabi rolled his eyes and flicked you on the forehead.

"Ow! You're an asshole" you said melodramatically.

"Yeah, yeah, old news"

After a while of silence you said: "I could never hate you, you know that right?"

"Yeah sure" Dabi said.

He knew he had a habit of driving people away and even if he hadn't done that to you yet, it was surely coming in the near future.

"Dabi?" you asked, as he seemed to sink into his own thoughts.


"I'm serious. You might have done a lot of shitty things, but I don't really hold that against you. And this is gonna sound incredibly self centered, but none of the shit you've done has affected me, so I don't really care" you said and sat up so you could look him in the eyes, to make sure he knew you were serious. "I could never hate you, get that through your thick skull" you added and poked his forehead with two fingers.

"Fine, just stop being a pain in my ass" Dabi growled, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer.

He'd pulled you so close your noses were almost touching.

"Nah, don't think so" you smirked, and kissed him on the nose.

Dabi rolled his eyes yet again and muttered something about what an idiot you were.

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