Dragon AU part 2

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A/N: Just some more stuff to the dragon AU, I wrote this pretty mindlessly aka I didn't really have a clear idea for this and didn't know where I was going. It's just something, Idk what really

Dabi was sure he was going to enjoy his new life with you. You would be there to tend to his needs and serve his every whim... or so he thought. He really should have seen the way it actually went coming. You had been afraid of him which he was well aware of, but that all seemed to be gone now. You'd been living together in your cabin for about a week now and all that fear from when you first met, seemed to be totally gone.

Dabi was lounging on the bed as you were sweeping the cabin floor. You had carried everything that you could outside, aside from the bed, since Dabi refused to get off it.

"Can you help me carry the bed outside? You can lay on it there if you really want to"

"Why would I do that? It's perfectly fine here" Dabi yawned lazily.

You knew he was doing it to annoy you, but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of reacting angrily.

"You like basking in the sun don't you? You can do that outside, while laying in bed, wouldn't that be nice?"

Dabi seemed to weigh his options for a moment, but got off the bed lazily anyway. He grabbed the bed and carried it outside himself, where he set it down in a sunny spot and laid back down.

"Lazy dragon" you muttered as you continued sweeping the floor.

Dabi just watched the cabin doorway, as a cloud of dust and whatever else flew out as you swept.

When you finished sweeping, you yelled from the doorway: "Hey, can you get me a bucket of water from the well"

Dabi rolled his eyes, but complied nonetheless. He brought you the bucket of water and set it down on the floor. He leaned against the doorframe and was just examining you with his eyes. He then stepped into the standing in between you and the bucket of water.

"Thanks" you sighed, wiping the sweat away from your forehead with the back of your hand.

You went to grab the bucket, but Dabi stepped in front of you whichever way you tried to grab it. You were used to doing the whole cleaning shabang alone, so it didn't really bother you that he wasn't helping. What did bother you though, was that he seemed to actively be in your way.

"Can you move?"

"Am I in your way?" he smirked, the tip of his tail wrapping around the bucket handle, lifting it off the floor.

"Yes" you rolled your eyes.

"Oops" Dabi grinned as he dropped the bucket, spilling it all over the floor.

"Oh for fuck's sake" you said, pinching the bridge of your nose with two fingers.

You pushed Dabi out the door and slammed it shut behind him, which you really only managed to do because he was surprised by your sudden reaction.

You started scrubbing the floor, since the water was already everywhere. You knew you couldn't make him leave, no matter how annoying he got, because he just simply refused to. You also didn't really feel like angering him, because you felt like he might just grab you and take you away to his lair in the mountains.

You heard a whoosh noise as Dabi changed into his dragon form, which was followed by the flapping of wings getting more distant. Had he just decided to leave? Or had you pissed him off and he was going to burn down a nearby village? You'd have to ask him when he came back, if he came back. You weren't really sure if you were hoping for him to come back or not.

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