S/o get reincarnated as a cat

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"I've gotta mission for the two of you" Shigaraki said, pointing at you and Dabi

"Can I go too?" Toga rejoiced.

"No. I've got another job for you" Shigaraki growled.

"No fun.", she pouted.

"So what are we gonna do?" you asked.

"You're going to take care of someone. Kill him and come back"

"Standard job then"

"He is pretty sly, so he might cause some trouble" Shigaraki added.

You and Dabi took off and he still hadn't said a word. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets and he looked bored like usually. You didn't mind the silence, so you just stayed quiet.

When you two got to the address Shigaraki had given you, you were a bit confused. This was the an old hotel. It looked like it would crumble down any second. You were at the right place, or at least the address was the same as on the paper. This would be a good place to hide, no denying that.

"You sure this is the right place?", he asked.

"Yep. Can you just burn down the building or something? If he doesn't die from that, he'll crawl out of his hiding place."

Dabi shrugged and set the building on fire nonchalantly. You both just watched as the fire swallowed the building, but no one came out.

"That creep gave us the wrong address."

"I guess he did.", you sighted.

You were already turning your back to the smoldering building when you noticed movement on the corner of your eye. It was going straight for Dabi, who was yawning and paying zero attention. Before you even realized, you were standing in front of Dabi. Someone had just pushed their entire forearm through your chest. You could feel the blood dripping from your lips, and the guy's hand twitching in your chest. Suddenly the hand was gone, and the only thing left of the man was a pile of ash. You fell to Dabi's chest. He caught you and looked at you weirdly. You had no idea what he was feeling. Was it worry? Sadness? Anger? You really had no idea. Not that he was an easy person to read anyway.

"Why are you such an idiot?", he asked.

"If you're talking about the fact I just saved your ass. You know why.", you smiled, with the blood staining your lips. "I have a request for you. Burn my body and throw the ashes to the wind. I want your fire to erase me."

Before Dabi could say anything you were gone. The light in your eyes had dimmed out. Your lips were stained with the scarlet blood dripping down your jaw. He didn't cry, he didn't feel sad. He just felt numb, but he wanted to give you what you had asked, so he burned your body. He didn't like it, seeing your form consumed by his own flames. This fire was never meant to touch you, but now it would be the thing that erased you from this earth.

After you were completely gone, he took a handful of the ash, and threw it up. The wind carried the ashes away. It carried the last of you away. He showed his hands to his pockets and walked back to the hideout.

"Where is [Name]?", Toga asked when Dabi walked in alone.

Dabi just scoffed. He didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the evening. He just sat on the couch and watched TV, but he didn't really concentrate on it. He couldn't. He could only think about you. How you had saved him and died in the process. Why did you even save him? You had said he should know the answer. But he didn't want to accept what he was thinking. If he did, all of this would be even more painful. If you had loved him, this would be even worse.

Dabi got up from the couch and left the lair. He wondered the streets. He didn't know where he was going. He was just walking around aimlessly. He incinerated a few punks who tried to pick a fight with him. He really wasn't on the mood to put effort on anything.

He had walked around for a while, when he noticed something following him. It was a cat. A cat with the same eye color as you. It's fur also resembled the color of your hair.

"Creep.", he muttered.

The cat meowed at him.

Dabi was annoyed, so he just threw a ball of fire towards the cat. He missed on purpose, since he just wanted the cat to go away. The cat didn't even flinch. It just kept glaring at Dabi.


Dabi turned his back at the cat and walked away, but the cat followed him. Every time he looked back, the cat was still there. It was just padding silently behind him.

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