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A/N: I don't even know what this is really, just me rambling in a story form I guess

You were making yourself some breakfast, when Dabi climbed through the window into your apartment. You'd seen him sitting outside on the fire escape, but you knew he would come inside when he felt like it. You weren't really having the best morning, and you were hoping the annoying dark cloud that seemed to be over you would pass quickly.

"Where you been all week?" you asked, buttering your toast.

"Here and there, you know how it is" Dabi shrugged and sat down by the kitchen table, lifting his feet onto it and leaning back in his chair.

"Get your nasty boots off my table, I'm eating" you said furrowing your brows.

"Missed you too" Dabi said with an eye roll.

"I'm sure you did, but you don't need to put your boots on my kitchen table" you said and pushed his feet off the table.

"Don't be like that, it's just some burnt human tissue and ash"

"Oh come on, I'm eating here" you grimaced.

"Yeah, yeah" Dabi shrugged and grabbed the second piece of toast from your plate, taking a bite of the bread.

"That was mine" you complained.

"Not anymore" Dabi said with a mouthful of toast.

"You're an ass" you rolled your eyes.

"And what a fine ass I am"

You couldn't help but chuckle. Dabi was surprisingly good at cheering you up.

"There's that smile" Dabi smirked.

Dabi wasn't a particularly positive person, nor did he mean to masquerade as such. He just mostly spoke his mind and if it happened to make you feel something else than shitty, all the better. He wasn't there to cheer you up or anything, he mostly just came to raid your fridge and to get some sleep. He felt safe at your place, mostly because no one had connected him to you, so nobody knew to look for him there. The rest of it was you. He felt safe with you around, even though he knew you were basically useless in a fight, but you took care of him. You always had and he was grateful for that

"What are you thinking about?" he heard you ask as he was lost in his head.

"Nothing, it's nothing" Dabi said nonchalantly.

"You were smiling, you know, so it must have been something good. Were you thinking about me?" you teased.

"Hell no!" Dabi exclaimed, totally lying.

"Wow, that was a pretty vehement denial" you said, amused by his obvious lie.

You decided not to push it, Dabi would most likely just get pissy about the whole thing and deny it even harder. Which would be kind of funny but you also didn't feel like playing with fire, so you chose to let it go.

"Anyway, I need to get some shut eye, so I'm gonna take over your couch" Dabi announced and stood up, kicking his boots off at the end of the sofa and basically just falling face first onto the couch.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go out for a while so you can sleep in peace" you said, but Dabi had already drifted off to dreamland.

You couldn't help but think that he probably hadn't slept in days again, and was just forcing himself to stay conscious while talking to you. You appreciated it, but you also hoped he would take care of himself, at least a little bit.

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