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A/N: Just some short fluff with sick Dabi. I figured I should write something in this book too, since I haven't updated in months

"You need to stay in bed!" you yelled as you grabbed the back of his jacket, trying to get him to stop moving.

"You'll get burned if you don't let me go" Dabi threatened tiredly but stopped trying to walk away.

"Yeah, yeah fire and mayhem blah blah blah. You need to get your ass back to bed, you're sick" you commanded.

"I don't need your help" he grumbled.

"I bet you ten bucks you're not gonna make it to the front door before passing out, so I do think you need my help"

Dabi rolled his eyes. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he was feeling terrible. He had a fever and a terrible headache, but of course that's not something he was going to tell you.

"Fine" Dabi sighed.

You sighed in relief, you knew he was stubborn as hell and his pride wouldn't let him admit that he was feeling unwell, because he didn't want to appear weak. You just didn't want him to get himself killed, because he was a stubborn idiot.

Dabi threw his jacket onto the back of one of your kitchen chairs and wobbled back into the bedroom with you following him. He basically collapsed on the bed and crawled under the covers.

You placed your hand on his forehead and felt that he was running very hot. You knew his quirk affected how his body handled heat, so he was also normally much warmer than a normal person, but his fever seemed way too high, even for him.

"You're burning up" you said.

"Oh really, I hadn't noticed" Dabi muttered sarcastically.

Now that he had stopped for a moment, Dabi realized how tired he was. He just felt like he wanted to sleep for a week. He of course couldn't afford such luxuries as just laying in bed for a week, but at least tonight, he would rest.

"Do I need to stay, or are you gonna stay in bed without supervision?" you asked.

Dabi didn't say anything, he just pulled you down and threw the blanket over you as well, before wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling his face to your chest.

"You don't give a damn about getting me sick too, do you?" you rolled your eyes with a small smile.

"No" he said, your shirt muffling his words, because he was hugging you so close.

Dabi was selfish, you were well aware of that, but you also knew he cared about you a lot, regardless of what he said. Something as trivial as getting sick wasn't really on the list he cared about when it came to you though. He wanted comfort from you and it seemed like he wasn't going to take no for an answer in this case. If you really told him no, he would let you go, but he would probably complain about it very loudly, because he liked getting affection when it suited him and when he wanted it.

"Dabi?" you asked.

"Hmm?" he muttered sleepily.

"Good night" you said and started petting his hair gently.

Dabi just murmured something you couldn't make out and you could feel him relaxing against you. He was still holding onto you, but you could feel the tension leaving him as he fell asleep. You were just glad he was finally resting, even if it was only because he was sick.

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