In the way

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A/N: S/o is in the way of Dabi's potential, threats of violence from Trumpet if s/o doesn't stay away from Dabi and Dabi obviously doesn't take kindly to this

He already knew that the Meta Liberation Army people loved sticking their noses where they didn't belong, but for god's sakes. He normally wouldn't care, but now that it involved him and you, he was pissed. This also explained the fact that you seemed to be distancing yourself from him.

He marched straight to your shared room and basically kicked the door open.

You had been sitting on the couch by the window, and almost dropped your phone when the door busted open.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me?" Dabi growled as he approached you.

"Holy shit Dabi, you don't need to give me a heart attack to get my attention" you said with a mildly annoyed tone. "Also what are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talkin about. That Trumpet guy has been tryin to get rid of you, hasn't he?"

"Well he hasn't tried to kill me or anything..." you downplayed the whole thing. "Besides, how did you even find out? I doubt he told you"

"That goth with all the computers told me. He loves to gossip apparently" Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I see. He does seem to know everything that's going on around here" you grumbled.

"So, spill it" Dabi commanded.

You sighed and patted the spot on the couch next to you. Dabi sat down next to you and you explained: "Well, short version is, the MLA has big plans for you and they don't need me to "get in your way" and "make you soft", or something"

"What the hell?" Dabi groaned.

"Apparently their reasoning is that I take too much of your time, and you'd prioritize me over what you're supposed to do. I don't really know to be honest, they just don't like me being with you"

"Those bastards..."

"It kind of got to me I guess. Of course the threats of violence had some part in it too, but I really don't want to get in the way of what you need to do"

"First of all you're not gettin in my way, and if you were, you wouldn't be here. Second of all, I'm goin to burn that loud bastard alive"

"That'd be great, but I would rather you not incur the wrath of the rest of them, that'd just lead to more trouble"

"You think I care?" Dabi scoffed.

"Nope, but I thought I'd mention it anyway" you couldn't help but smirk a little.

Dabi wasn't going to let this stand. No one threatened his s/o and got away with it.

"I'm gonna go teach that Trumpet guy a lesson, he needs to learn to mind his business" Dabi shouted as he stomped out of the room.

"Oh boy" you muttered to yourself.

Dabi was intent on keeping his word. No one got to tell his partner what to do, well no one other than him.

He marched through the mansion in search of the damned politician, and when he finally got his hands on the man he did what he promised.

"You need to learn to mind your damn business. My relationships are none of your business" Dabi said as he decked the man in the nose.

"I'm just doing what's best for the cause, you can't fault me for that" he said as he held his now bloody nose.

"I don't give a damn about why you did it, just know that you're not going to do it again, or you'll regret it" Dabi smiled manically, as he let go of the other man's collar, making him stumble back.

"No, I won't do anything, I swear" Trumpet promised.

"You'd better keep your word" Dabi hissed as he left the room. "Idiot"

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