Dragon AU, part 3

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A/N: I got a request here on wattpad for more of the dragon AU I started about a half a year ago. The previous parts are in this book too so you can find them if you scroll through the chapter list. This is more angsty this time around

Dabi wasn't really sure why he was staying. He'd never really taken an interest in anyone other than himself, so why you? What was so special about some little human? He was well aware of the fact that he had proclaimed you as his, which you didn't really seem to take seriously.

He wanted to do something that would show you he wasn't kidding when he told you that you were his. Maybe a gift would do the trick? It would take him a while to get back to his lair in the mountains, but he could make it back before sundown if he made haste.

"I'll be back before sundown" Dabi suddenly announced as he walked out the door.

"Where are you-" your question was cut off by the sound of huge wings flapping. "Going?" you finished as you watched him disappear into the sky.

You just sighed. Hopefully he wasn't going to steal from the king again.

A few hours later, just before sundown, there was a knock on the door of your cabin. You went to open it, not really being sure who it could be, since if it had been Dabi, he would've just kicked the door open.

As you opened your door, you saw there was a band of men standing in front of you.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" you inquired, having a bad feeling about the whole thing.

They were looking at you with such cold eyes. So much hatred from someone you didn't even know was unnerving to say the least.

"You're the one that has been harboring that dragon, are you not?" the leading man asked.

You swallowed nervously, as you started to close the door. "I don't know what you're talking about, I live alone"

"We know you're hiding that wretched creature, you evil witch!" one of the men yelled.

The leader of the band forced the door open and the men pushed their way into your cabin.

"There's no one else here, see!" you exclaimed as the men looked around the room.

"There are dragon scales on the bed" one of the men gasped.

"You've spread your legs for that monster, you whore! If we can't have the dragon's head, we'll just take yours instead"

The rest of the men agreed, and you were dragged outside, kicking and screaming.

You were terrified, more scared than you'd ever been in your life. You were trying to get free from their grasp, but the two men that were dragging you just hit you to get you to stop. They tied your hands behind your back and pushed your head down on the block you chopped your wood on.

"Please don't! I haven't done anything! I haven't done anything wrong!" you pleaded, crying as they held your head down and one of the men took out an axe.

"Nonononononono, please don't!" you begged as he raised the axe.

You were going to die, you were sure of that. There was no one coming to save you, and in the end, like most of your life, you were alone. You didn't want to die, you had so many things to do, so many places to see.

You weren't even sure what made you do it, but as a last act of desperation, you screamed: "Dabi! Help me!"

There was a huge gust of air, and the men around you backed away. The one holding the axe dropped it in his panic and when it fell, it cut your cheek.

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