Big Bro Dabi

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Author's note: Dabi is the protective big brother type, so I decided to write some platonic protective bro. So I guess you're like a casual League member and younger than Dabi. I feel like I can't write properly so this might kinda suck.

"Hi Toga, hi Dabi" you yawned.

You'd been sleeping on the hideout's couch again, probably not wanting to go back home. Dabi wasn't really surprised, he knew you parents were assholes. Especially your mother. From what he'd heard she was a walkin-talkin nightmare.

"I need to go get some stuff from home and take a shower, I'll be back sometime in the afternoon"

"Whatever" Dabi muttered.

"Uu (Name) naked" she made little kissy sounds.

You just rolled your eyes and slammed the door behind you, maybe a little too hard for good measure.

When you came back, it was already late. Dabi could see you had been crying.

You went to the backroom where there was a mirror. You looked like you had cried your eyes out, and for a good reason. There was also a bright red handprint on your cheek where your mother had smacked you for not telling her where you had been. Calling you a whore and a slut, for sleeping where ever.

"Fuck" you hissed and wiped your eyes on your sleeve. You sat down on the couch you had been sleeping on.

Dabi was standing behind the door to the backroom. He could hear you sobbing quietly.

"You ok?" he knocked and asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine"

"You don't sound fine"

Dabi wasn't really the most emotional or supportive type, but he wasn't the type to leave a friend in trouble. You and Toga were both more like little sisters to him anyway, even if he would never admit to that. He walked in and saw you sitting on the couch.

He sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"It's okay" he reassured awkwardly.

You sniffled and leaned your head to his shoulder. Dabi wasn't really sure what he was doing, but if he could make you feel better just by sitting there, he would. He knew a thing or two about shitty parents.

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