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I render my sincere apologies to my dearest readers. I am in the midst of exams and will continue to be so until further notice. Please bear with me.
                                            Yours truly,
                                           Your Author.

Please manage this sneak peak until the main chapter is uploaded;

I remember when the first person I cherished so greatly, or perhaps violently was the word, it was like seeing the sun for the first time every new day upon looking at his effing face...died;
                    He'd lay there.

The small pool of blood, a halo around his head, his legs, only slightly bent by the fall and his face, Cristo, his face... It was calm as it had never been.

  Smooth, without that cruel sneer marring his handsome face, his hands, deceivingly long, gracefully nailed like a pianist's and beautiful even.

My husband was the most handsome man I'd ever beholden.

             My husband was dead.

     -And like the psalmist would say, "hallelujah, hallelujah."

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