Chapter Seven

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    I'm baaaaack!
Hi there, another exciting chapter has just been uploaded, enjoy, my lovely readers, to your hearts content!!!
                                           Your author,


Even though it was close to five in the evening when I parked my 1995 Juguar, collegers still hung around the buildong of the academy.

  Alighting my car, I scowled at the thought of facing the principal this evening. I was in no mood to talk to her, to anybody.

  Her secretary was a googled redhead who took one long look at me and relegated me to the waiting room.

  An hour later, I was still seated on a bloody chair in the waiting room, waiting, for the secretary to call me in.

  When pair of boot-clad foot walked past me, I paired no mind to it, at first.

  But when the reception said with a smile as wide as the river Nile, "certainly, Mr El Dorado, go right in"

                I thought, bullshit!

  Standing quickly, I intercepted the boy -man- she'd just shown the way in, putting a hand out to stop him, "no, you may not go in" I said with a sacarine sweet smile, "not when I've been waiting three hours before you got here"

A perfectly shaped eye brow arched in confusion, poor man, I thought, poor smoking hot man I added, he didn't understand that you didn't just walz into the same office a crazy woman had spent hours waiting to get into.

    "Excuse me" he said in a gruff yet strangely alluring voice.

          Trust me, I would, but...

"S'nothing personal, just that I've been waiting here for nearly three hours to see the chairwoman" I shrugged, "you can go in after me"

The receptionist reached for me, barely concealed anger waring will the expected politeness, "step away, Miss Maine, please--"

I raised an unoccupied hand to interrupt her, "I will not sit and watch another go in before me, I either go in now or we both go in...never"

Experated, the receptionist huffed, "miss, you need to understand that it is not yet your turn to go in"

I let my eyes trail lazily to her, taking in her rimmed glasses, her corporate wear and four-inches heel, "actually, I don't need to understand anything that comes out of your mouth, I've laid out my conditions lady, either I go in or we both stay here and keep you company"


"Okay" the gentleman, in true gentlemanly fashion, agreed with a regal nod of his blonde haired head, "it's only logical that you go in first since you were here before me"

I was genuinely impressed, sensible people were hard to find those days. I gave him a wide smile and a small bow, "why thank you, kind sir"

Giving the receptionist the stink eye, I walked past her, a little hop in my every step. Aside from the little scene out there, it'd been a good day. Well, as good as a day could be for a me.

Not bothering to knock, I strode into the office.

"Gaea, I wasn't aware that I'd requested your presence" her steady voice said, her eyes glaring at me from above her glasses which was perched on her pointed nose.

Smiling widely, I shook my head, "you didn't"

"Then why are you--"

"I requested me" I said, sitting myself on a comfortable looking chair. 'Gave the person who said not to judge a book by the cover a point when the chair proved not comfortable, "you told me to report to your office once I'm back from my session and I have been waiting out there for a bloody boring hour for you to summon me in, now I have no idea why you kept me out there for so long but I'm here to tell you that I'm back"

Lips pressed into a flat line, she gestured with a hand, "are you finished" and, it could just be my crazy working but I had a feeling she was humoring me.

Well, here I was, sitting on her chair while envisioning her head on a stake so I figured we were even.

           "For now" I answered.

"Miss Maine, you entered my office without permission and proceeded to nag at me for..."

  "...Keeping me outside for a straight hour" I completed for her, "look there's no need for you to admit your wrong doings and apologize, I forgive you"

She opened her mouth to speak but I raised a hand, "truly, you are forgiven", I stood up gallantly, "now that I've checked in and you've seen that I will not lose control and burn your school to the ground in the foreseeable future, I'll take my leave"

  Like a fish out of water, she opened and closed it, opened it again and closed. After about three...trails, she simply waved me away warily.

  The guy, the hot, tall, dark, mysterious one I'd stopped from entering was waiting at the door side, his broad frame resting against the wall in a manner that suggested nonchalance.

I gave him a quick nod, letting my eyes catch his reddish-black ones for a while before moving on--

My body moved before my mind and pretty boy was against the wall with a clawed nail resting on that vein that thumped in rythm with the heart in an instant.

  His offending hand, the one that had made a go at me as I passed by was lying on the floor, bleeding out on the marbled floor. Our dearest receptionist was screaming out her lungs and calling for the chairlady.

  I gave my captured a small smile, "look what you made me do, I just had a manicure some days ago now I've got blood on it, again"

  Not minding his handless shoulder which, by the way, was gushing out blood, pretty boy gave me a smile as genuine as mine which was surprising since mine was very genuine, "forgive my impertinence, I merely wanted to ask for your name"

  I dragged my claw across his neck a bit, making it leak a teeny, weeny bit, "then you should have asked, not touched"

  "The mistake is all mine, I apologise" he said with a slight tilt of his head.

  I released him immediately, taking three steps away with speed that challenged that of light, "apology accepted"

  As I turned to leave, I heard him say, "and your name? It seems right that I get it since I went through all this trouble" he said, gesturing the cutoff arm on the ground.

  My lips tugged involuntarily, "Gaea Adolorata Maine, and for what it's worth, I only intended to pull your hand out of its radiocarpal joint not pull the entire arm out if its socket"

"Is that so?"

"Truly, it is" I said with mock sadness, "and what a shame it indeed is, you had such beautiful hands.."

  As I walked on, I heard his voice say in that voice of his that was ax unforgettable in the same way it induced forgetfulness, "a shame indeed..."

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