Chapter Thirty Five

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Good morning family 🌞💞

It's a great morning with bright weather over here, how's yours?

Let's enjoy a brand new chapter as we savour our breakfast.

And then I twisted... to punch the insane person that had wrapped their arms around me.

My fists met air and the arms grew tighter around me.

"Be still, love" a familiar voice cooed softly as a soft kiss was placed on my temple.

Struggling, I gritted, "I'm kinda busy Naum, or are you here to join the fun?"

He chuckled underneath his breath even as he moaned in pain as my hands dug into his sides, "I wish, my love, but on the contrary, I'm here to do the opposite"

Anger flared as did my magic.

My voice was lowered, cold and my heart thumped quicker as my hand dug more into his sides, my fingers grabbing whatever organ it could.

"There, there" he whispered, placing another kiss on my cheek.

And I thought I was the crazy one.

A calm, familiar scent filled the air and Azeazal was before me.

As his hands came to cup my face, I buried my face in his palms and nuzzled it.

"As much as I hate to say it, love, you need to stop here" he said, gently.

My mind warred with my sanity which didn't make me a happy bunny.

Trying to resist the urge to bite off his hand was surprisingly not an easy task considering that I was almost moaning into it.

"Azeazal" I growled, "I will not stop, not until I have her where I want her"

"Shhh..." He whispered, patting my bloody hair gently, "Gaea, your mother is mad, but she is also very very smart, I know this, you know this.

"Here she has you, angry, blinded by fury, but we both know that you are smarter than this. Now, take a moment to look around.. You are standing over your mother's excessively bleeding and mangled body, clawed and maniacal. Your mother being a publicly exalted figure who, last we heard, never fully recovered from her husband's abuse, the said husband whom she publicly forgave, yet here you stand, breaking her into pieces.

"Now, this makes quite a lovely picture to me since you are the one in question but not so much to the whole population who are watching this. You are the heir to the Maine Monarchy, this would ruin you"

"I don't care what a few people say--"

"Not a few people" he corrected gently, "the whole world. Your mother set up this elaborate play for the whole world to see, to watch, to judge. We don't know how she's doing it, neither do we know how to stop it but the whole world, Gaea, every cellphone, telephone, computer, AI, radio, television, every internet gadget you can find is currently airing this. The whole world is watching you pummel to death this woman who is a saint to them--"

"Tut, tut, tut" I interrupted, "I know, of course I know. Let them, let them see, let them watch, let them judge...let them tremble in fear"

I could see the realization hit him. His eyes clouded and like a drop of ink spilled into clean water they became murky, beautiful still.

Pulling myself out of their hold, I picked her up but the hair, dragging her around as I paced the crater, staring around me.

"Let them all see, those that shut their doors, those that covered their ears, those that turned away, those that preferred the silence...let them all know I'm coming, and I will smash every door, scream until your ears bleed, and sew their eyes open even if I have to. You will see what I have seen, you will hear what I've heard, you will dream my nightmares..."

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