Chapter Fourty Two

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Good morning dearest readers!

This chapter marks the end of the angst and sorrow (I know the sadness and sorrow has dragged on a bit 😉)

After this chapter, the book will become more fast-paced and action packed since the foundation has been laid.

Thank you lots for seeing it to this point.

For our ever present lovers of angst, savor this chapter 😙😙


I was wrong.

The pills were not working.

Hands were holding me in bloody waters, choking me, in me.

Above me, I could see the light get dimmer and dimmer as I sank deeper into... nothing.

All I could see was red, and then.. darkness.

I was breathing but I felt.. wrong.

Perhaps I should just go like this, perhaps I should just drown.

Why struggle, I was so very tired.

My body folded into itself as my spine curved, like a babe in the womb. I let myself float in the darkness.

Perhaps this was right..

"Please," a slight voice whispered in my ears, "make it stop.."

Perhaps not.

Hands pulled me out of the...tub.

Naked and sprawled on the cold tiles as I fought for breath, I stared a glance at my grandmother who crouched above me.

She tried touching me but I flinched away from her.

Though I struggled, I managed to sit up, my back resting on the cool marble of the tub.

"It was supposed to be a beauty bath," I chocked as I laughed hysterically.

Frowning, Elan asked tersely, "your pills.."

"I wouldn't consciously ruin your big day, grandmother," I said snidely as I staggered to my feet, slipping on the water, "I took the bloody pills, it didn't work. I hate to say 'I told your so' but I told you so, nothing ever works, not for long"

I could hear I grind her teeth as she followed me into the room, "the coronation.."

"..Can go on," I said with a mocking smile, "believe me, if I stopped to rest everytime my nightmares intruded my day, I would never get anything done"

Elan's face was scrunched, she probably wasn't a happy bunny at that time. She'd made herself believe that her... remedy would work and now it'd failed, woefully.

She exuded anger. But I see beyond that, I could see what she sought to hide, she was afraid.

"Do not be afraid, Elan," I consoled as I walked towards her, still naked. I lifted my hands to her shoulders and ran it down her arms, up down, up down, "my nightmares are my own, my curse to bear..."

As she began to calm, as she allowed herself to be smoothed, I let a cruel smile spread across my face, "is that what you wanted to hear?"

Eyes wide, she tried to shrug off my hands but my claws dug in, my magic overriding hers, "you want to be absolved of it all, to be in peace while I languish in will never be at peace, you will suffer with me, a lifetime of anxiety, a lifetime of regret as you suffer as I have suffered, as you burn like I burn"

I let go of her, wiping the blood off my hands with the material of her dress.
I walked to the giant bed where my coronation dress lay, "buckle up, grandmother, our time together has just begun"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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