Chapter Thirty Three

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Here's another chapter my loves, exams are coming and I'll probably be swamped fir a while but I'll try to keep the updates coming.

Enjoy ❤️❤️

By the time my clawed hands reached its aim, mother's figure was nothing but a blur, but that was okay, I'd fought enough battles to predict her course of action.

So, when she reappeared by the wall where I'd stood beforehand, I'd already sent a flaming ball to that exact location.

It missed by a hair, singeing a layer of flesh off her arm and blowing the side wall into smithereens.

"Tut, tut" she whispered, her flesh regrowing before my eyes, "so impatient, that child was always your weakness, good thing you took care of her"

I gritted my teeth as I battled her mind attack. I felt blood drip from ear as she repeatedly tried to hammer her way into my mind.

I too, wasn't idle, I was her daughter after all and whatever she could do, I could do it and more.

By the way her smile gained an edge, I reckoned that she was feeling more than what I was feeling.

I invoked thunder that blasted the building apart, not minding that I too took a portion of the effect from my attack, happy enough to see her smile slip off her face.

A fist smashed into my side. I grinned and sent one into her face.

My grin grew larger as I heard the crunch beneath my fist even as I wheezed for air.

Our bodies might've been magically enhanced but so were our fists.

"Ázûghéù" she spelled, invoking thunder.

I took it with a smile, "really, mother, how original"

She smiled and I braced myself, while my mother could and would never win in a physical fight, she had enough trauma ammo to K.O me in an emotional one.

"Why are you so angry at me, after all, you were the one who killed your sister" she said, staggering slightly, "you were the one who strangled her to death-"

A wind blade sliced between her venomous lips, tearing her upper teeth and head off her body.

She regenerated, I swore, she was a tenacious bitch alright.

I coughed out blood, her taunting had done a lot more than bruise my heart, it'd helped her direct pain into my mind.

My teeth were chattered as I withstood the pain, trying to sense where the bitch was since she'd gone into hiding after her attack.

"Yes, I killed my little sister" I said with an edgy smile as I licked the blood on my lips, "you should be proud, you taught me well"

I pinpointed her location, she was bent, preparing a blood trap that would shred me into bits.

Cruel much.

I pounced on her, gaining the edge as I sat on top restraining her with the fruits of the earth, my hands wrapping her neck.

"Îçté çátëra mãmé réylbû zàñgjà"

As I chanted, the earth shook.

I utilized her own blood circle against her, trapping the both of us in it as I invoked the earth.

She pounded against me, physically and mentally, making me bleed from my orifices but I held on.

I kept squeezing, chanting and smiling.

I was killing myself in a blood circle but I'd never felt so good in my life...


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