Chapter Twenty-five

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Another great chapter after a long hiatus!



"Have you ever thought about this, what if plants are actually farming us? I mean they feed, give is oxygen, fatten us until we're ripe and juicy, let us live our life nearing and fearing the inevitable end and then, we die.

"And then the plants eat us. It's a pretty brilliant strategy if you asked me, right?" I asked leisurely tearing off Mama's toenail.

She didn't scream.

Well, couldn't would be the right word.

At this point I could tear her stomach open and she wouldn't even notice.

The numbness that comes with repeated torture, I guessed.

I frowned, "this is no fun anymore"

Her dull, lifeless but alive eyes stared at me. Watched me. Her tormentor.

There was horror in her eyes. The kind that humans weren't meant to ever behold.

I smiled.

"Do you fear me now, Mana? Does your blood freeze at the sound of my footsteps?"

Using a single finger, I raised her delicate chin up, "It should. You should be grateful, any other crazy person would have done far worse, at least the ones I know definitely would not have let you off with mere skinning and denailing. I didn't even touch your brain. See? I can be merciful"

A tear, a bloody tear, the kind that was in between tears and blood rolled down her cheeks.

I was glad, "see, I know you'd understand. There's no need to be moved to tears by my generosity and kindness"

My chin came up as I stated with pride, "no need to thank me either, it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak--"

"Protect?" a voice came from behind me, "she doesn't look all that protected to me"

Sighing tiredly, I turned to face the intruder.

Flashing me a beautiful smile, Naum said, "fancy meeting you hear, Gaea"

My face scrunched and I said warily, "it's you"


"You and your brother surprisingly have similar aura's sometimes. I almost mistook you for him"

He grabbed his chest and said with mock pain, "you break my heart, my love. I went through a whooping measure of pain just trying to remember you"

I smiled cruelly, "apparently, not enough. If not, you wouldn't have succeeded in undoing my spell. I am impressed though, apart from the woman who raised me, no one else has ever done so."


"Be proud, Naum" I said raising a lethally spelled hand, "you at least got to do one great thing before your end"

He raised his hand in defence, a pretty good barring coming up.

Still, my spell would peirce through.

Like anything that has been made from me, it would strike true, taking his life in a matter of seconds.

"W-wait! I'm not your enemy, alright? I didn't come here to criticize you for being a little rough with her--"

"I wasn't a little rough though. Would you be my enemy if I was more than a little rough with her?"

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