Chapter Twenty Three

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I'm baaaaaaaack! And with a lot of chapters that will keep you on the edge of your seats!

Let's dive right in!

Well, this just got boring, fast.

"So, you want me to join the Academy Council?" I asked Mana tentatively after listening to her speech.

She nodded briskly, "yes--"

"Why in Pete's name would I do that" I asked, puzzled by the fact that she expected absolute compliance and gratitude even for being one of the 'chosen ones'.

"Are you refusing the offer? Why?" She said, the shock visible from her voice.

I hesitated. I had no pretty way of expressing my thoughts.

"I want your honest answer, Adolorata" Mama insisted.

I sighed tiredly, "frankly, I think the council is a just a fancily packaged nuisance, I can see the responsibility with a capital R from miles away"

I shook my head from side to side.


Definitely not spending my forced college life as some police of justice.

It was comical that they would ask me, the ultimate offender, to discipline offenders.

Ignorance, I was coming to find out, begets capital stupidity.

Mana sighed, spreading her hands across her, the cross chain on her neck jingling slightly from the movement, "I'm going to have to ask you to reconsider as you were recommended by not just one, but two council leaders"

Yeah, I thought distastefully, those Eragons did not know how to mind their fucking businesses.

"I will give you a week to reconsider--"

"I don't need a week, Miss Arg-Da-Cunnigham, I simply cannot be a part of this.. organisation" I stated clearly.

She was pissed. She probably wanted to spank me into next week.

Get in line missus, I'd been making enemies since before she was born. By the time I was six, there was already a line of people whose sole reason for existing was to put me in my place.

Most of them were dead.

She banged the table -if you could call it that, these people and their love for antique, not-supposed-to-be-called-equipment equipments.

"You have been invited to join the most elite of the elite organization that exists for your peers, it an honor.."

My forehead scrunched.

".. and your duty as a direct line to the Maine Clan to serve your people! You..."

"Duty" I mummured softly, "what a disgusting word"

"Sorry?" she said with slited eyes in a tone that was antonymous to the word intself.

I frowned, "your tone, that is also disgusting"

She huffed, puffed, her back sinking into the chair behind her, "you are disgusting and unbelievable rude. I wonder what Sir Naum saw in your sorry looking self to have recommended you"

Ignorance begets capital stupidity, I reminded myself and said, "that is enough"

"Quiet" she hushed, pointing her nailed hands at me she said, "I'm in charge here, you don't get to call the shots just because you're some long lost Maine child. I'm the Vice-president of the Council and this academy is my playground"


It was a power I longed for, a power that continued to elude me.

However, I didn't have to be able to see into the future to know that I would be beating the shit out of this.. child soon enough.

And so, with that on mind, I spread my senses to cover the entire office that we, she and I, had moved to after leaving the glass room.

Whence my power had seeped into the very foundation of the room, cleverly bypassing the alarms and wards set, I blocked off every for of communication from outside the room, soundproofed the walls and when I was good and ready, smiled at Mana, "if this is your playground, does that make you the playground bully?" I asked sarcastically.

She hissed through her teeth, "you insolent thing" she hit the big red button on her table that was probably an alarm of some sort but would definitely be useless against my magic as she said, "I refuse to sit here and be insulted in my own office"

"I might not be the most polite person in the world but I have been quite calm in the face of your numerous insults to my person" I stood slowly, "you, on the other hand, have been a naughty, naughty girl"

I walked to the door.

"Do not think to run" she warned, a gloating smile on her face, "I've alerted my assistant and she will be here soon enough to take you away, trust me, after this, you're out of my school"

I leaned against the door, "truly?"

She shrugged pridefully, "it's your word against mine, Miss Maine"

"Hmm" I hummed under my breath.


I locked the door.

"You see, I'm an old fashioned gal, even with all the wards I've set up, I still believe, very much, in the power of a locked door" I said with a wide smile.

She stood slowly, warning bells, probably, ringing in her head, "what are you trying to do?". She laughed, "oh I see... You think to scare me?"

Her laughter peeled across the room, "silly girl, what could you, some arrogant, no good, thing possibly do to me? I'm a major side branch Cunningham and the Vice-president of the Council for a reason"

She smiled and sat back, spreading her arms out, "do your worst"

I shook my head as I walked up to her, my features changing, or perhaps it was just reverting to its the original form. I could see the fear, shock and anxiety sneaking into her expression.
"No, not my worst, that would be an overkill" I snarled, "I intend to do my very best..."


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