Chapter Sixteen

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Here's another chapter!!


"Number one hundred and ninety three" Mrs Caroline pronounced.

All the good deeds I'd done must have been working in my favor.


Then again, on a scale of one to two hundred, the unluckiest number had to be the number nine hundred and ninety three.

I mean, it had nine hundred and ninety three threes in it.

Talk about unlucky, I thought, shaking my head.

Someone must have cursed the poor kids.

Probably with an African juju.

I'd heard that they had some strong shit in Africa.

And no, I had not gone there to get it before.

I mean, I didn't go all that much.

I don't think twice or fourteen times can count, besides I had a perfectly legitimate reason to do juju for that person whose name I strongly do not--
I digress.

"Number thirty three, that a Theodore Roosevelt-Cunnigharm and Lara Jaguar-Maine" The teacher called out.
A gut stood up, "um, I'm Theodore, my partner is not here"

Mrs Caroline smiled devilishly, "that's great to hear, now I have nine hundred and ninety nine students, anyone else wanna walk out of my class to even up the number?"

The hall was silent.

She let out a disappointed sigh, "oh well, I guess I can't hope for so many dropouts so soon into the semester, but never fear Theodore, by the next class I'm sure you'll have a lot of partnerless people to partner with, especially after I check the attendance for the week"

Poor Theodore gave a confused chuckle and sat back.

Mrs Caroline gave an eery smile, she shuffled the cards again and picked one.

"Well, well, well" she said slowly, "what a riveting choice.

"I'll have you all know, that the person about to discuss this book is the campus belle, Marcy Gustav and the daughter of the author of the very work we study, Gaea Maine, number three"

The tips of my fingers shook, reacting to a particular word in her words before calming, like every other part of me.

We stood up, Marcy and I.

The class gawked at us, at me which was fine by the way.

Mrs Caroline walked to our table, "Miss Gustav, Miss Maine, I am very glad that fate, apparently, wants you two to have at that argument you had the first day"

The sneaky little witch just went ahead and told the netire class that Marcy and I were not as buddy buddy as we appeared.

She was probably doing it in order to rile us up and from the way Marcy's heart just sped up, it was probably working, on her at least.

It would take more than that to role me up. Preferably, lots of bodies of people I already killed stacked on each other.

I sighed, but then, even that may not even get me riled up.

Oh the trials of an awesome gal.

"So, Miss Gustav, how would you classify the heroes and antagonists in the peom" she asked, sliding a hip on our desk.

Marcy flashed her her award-winning smile and the teacher went blond for about a minute or so.

She recovered very quickly, I thought, Marcy's smile was award-winning for a reason.
"Well" Marcy said,smiling sweet at the class, "I'd say Hemera, Ragnarok, Arya, Jarag are the good guys, while Viola and the dark mages are the bad guys"

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