Chapter Seventeen

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Hello guys!

Did you miss me? ☺️

Another epic chapter with a little special something in it.

The first of the many POVs of our swoon worthy male leads.



She was not beautiful.

No, you couldn't call her that.
Beautiful was too glaring or unsubtle to describe her as.

With her ridiculously long, indecisively blonde hair - that part of her never ceased to confuse me, her strangely red-gold eyes and her baffling personality, she was just the brand of different to pique my notice.

Plus, there was the fact that she pulled my arm out of its sockets and tried to wipe my memory.


Then, there was also the unwavering, single-minded interest in my half brother.

Wasn't that fascinating?

Sure, a lot of girls fancied themselves in love with us.

We were rich, handsome and world leaders in our own right. I would wager that more than half of the under - 30 female population were in love with us.

From afar, that is.

Up close.. not so much.

I had seen a girl turn blue from fear and fall from great heights in attempt to escape me, so I knew that the love they felt was skindeep.

And even if it weren't, even if one of them happened to love us genuinely, like..

I swallowed.

My hands shook, then stilled.

The fear of us, of the creatures in us made them run soon enough.

All in all, the sane ones ran.

And the ones that didn't run, died.

Just like she did.

When my mother had told me about a long lost Maine being found, I'd assumed that..

Well, what I'd assumed was definitely not her, not Adolorata with her crazy words and general craziness and..her anguish.

It oozed off her, almost as much as her power did.

That a shockingly powerful child had suddenly disappeared and reappeared was very, very strange. Missing kids didn't happen in our circles.

Gaea Adolorata Maine.

She was a strange one.

And as I watched the recording of her argue her way in LDC, I thought her even stranger.

Such a strange woman with such strong pain riding her every actions.

The way she breathed unevenly, the strange way she talked and her deep yet blank and shifty, unless, of course, she was staring holes into my brother or stalking him..

Sometimes, it was like she could see everything and nothing at the same time.

Sometimes I could swear she saw right into my soul. Other times I was sure she couldn't be bothered to even look into my soul.

She was a walking contradiction to the order the Maines stood for.

Not that I thought she cared about her family, I doubt she even thought of them as family.

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