Chapter Nineteen

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Good morning 🌅🌄

How've you been my lovely readers?!

Here's another great chapter!!


Yelena was frozen in shock.

I waved a hand flippantly at her as I said by way of explanation, "don't be so shocked, craziness is a generic thing, it kinda runs in our family"

"I-I" she stuttered, "I don't understand"

"And that's what's keeping you sane" I said, standing up and grabbing my bag, "bye, Doc"

My arm was grabbed from behind and I heard Yelena's desperate voice, "I don't understand, make me understand"

I tugged at her hand but she stubbornly held on, "I want to help you, Adolorata, help me help you"

My hands came to wrap around her head bringing her face closer to me so that she could, perhaps, see just how close the edge I was, how dangerous what she asked me for was.

The truth was far too..

I released her from my hold, "and this is me, helping you, Doc. I'm not going to tell you this part of my fucked up existence and I sincerely hope that you listen to the tiny voice in your head that's telling you to stop asking questions that will get you killed before I decide to stop being a nice person and just..tell you"

"Why are you being nice to me again?"

I turned my head this way and that as I debated whether to give her the sophisticated shit or the plain truth.

I stared at her eager eyes and decided she needed a healthy dose of fear.
"Well, call it some form of experiment but most of the people who aren't related to me but know of the.. situation, are dead" I stated truthfully, "I'm trying to see how long you'll last. My bet is on two years though with this twenty questions game you've decided to play"

She slouched in her chair and buried her face in her palms, a scratched breath leaving her.

O how the mighty have fallen, I thought, thinking back to those past months when my Doctor was full of cheer-worthy energy and ready to tackle the world and me.

A few months of me and she was reduced to this panicky, out of breath woman too scared to look me in the eye.

Fear didn't give two shots about how many certificates you've got. It'd hit you just as hard as it'd hit a begger.

Even I was no stranger to fear.

I gave her a minute to pull herself together because... because I had just dropped a bomb on her.

Few people knew who the true villain was in my family. Few people dared to believe it.

Nobody, however, understood it.

Only I did.

All the good that it did me, I gave a dry laugh.

I truly was my mother's daughter.

Sucking in a huge breath, Yelena rubbed a hand over her face before getting her gave face back on.

"Okay, then" she said, not quite managing to paste on the professional smile, "tell me instead about your years in captivity, how were you captured, wh-what did your captors do to you?"

"The how's a little tricky" I responded with a small grin.

"Tricky as in..?"

"Tricky as in confidential, definitely getting you killed if you know kind of tricky" I said with an experated sigh.

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