Chapter Eleven

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I'm baaaack!

Did you miss me? Well, I missed you, my dearest readers.

School has been brutal, luckily, I'm free now.


Killing a person is not hard all that hard, I thought as I stood beside Naum's bed twirling the small table knife I'd acquired from his dinning table.

Infact, with the right instrument, it's plain easy.

Take the knife in my hand for instance, just a little push into man's most important organ and ... there goes the person.

Man is weak, always has been, always will be.

No amount of positive thinking or cutting edge technology will change that fact.

"Dearest Naum, it's seems today's the day you die", I said so softly, it was inaudible.

It might not have seemed like it, but a lot of magic was being used right then.

Unsurprisingly, Naum was highly skilled, both man and fae. His ward's were magic proof and highly lethal with almost no weaknesses.

Pity, though, that I, Adolorata Gaea Maine was his enemy.

Anybody that my Gray eyes called dangerous had to go.

Even his own brother.

And yes, I was aware how crazy that sounded.

My feet did not touch the ground as I moved closer to him.

"Óctö frzwéte jemwesaa låtate" I chanted softly, coating my knife with sharpness of a butcher's knife and strength of vibranium, my whisper audible enough to rouse the person on the bed.

  He did not try to move, whether it was because of the spell I'd previously casted that rendered him unable to do so or because he didn't feel the need to which would make him very very-


"Why hello, Adolorata" he said smoothly, a smile stretching across his beautiful face, "what brings you to this part of town?"

My smile was wide and stunning, "I have come to take your life"

His smile never wavered, "oh! Might I ask why?"

"You may" I replied, willing to indulge him as far as I could.

"Why?" He asked, his eyes squinting his blue beautiful eyes, eyes like crystal, reflecting everything yet showing nothing, so different from the gray that had bewitched me and yet no less bewitching.

His eyes were beautiful. His body was beautiful.

Naum Eragon was a beautiful man.

"Your eyes are very pretty, I promise to put them in a show glass and mount them in my bedroom" I swore solemnly.

"Ah.." he whispered, "how gracious of you but I reckon my beautiful eyes are not why you have come to kill me"

"No, of course not, I'm sorry, I digress a lot, it's probably one of my illnesses at work" I said with a small bow, "anyway, I've decided to kill you because Gray eyes said you were dangerous"

"Oh? If by Gray eyes you mean my brother who is by the way very close to me, might I recommend you rethink your decision" he said persuadinly, "this is, of course, solely for your benefit"

My head tilted and my flat eyes squinted, "why?"

"I mean I am his blood brother and we have been close since birth" he shrugged, "I reckon he will be a tad bit sad to see me dead"

My head tilted in confusion, "he called you dangerous and asked me to stay away from you"

He chuckled lightly, "my guess is that he said that to keep you away from me, for my safety, not yours"

I frowned dangerously and stuck the knife into his chest.

He grimaced, pain lacing through his words as he said, "and I reckon he was right, here you are, after all, digging a knife into me not even twenty-four hours after our first meeting"

"Are you telling me, that he thinks I'm dangerous" I said, outraged, "but I've been a good little girl since I came to this school!"

Naum chuckled again and I twisted the knife a little just for the fun of it.
He coughed violently, "h-have you now?.."

His beautiful eyes were wary as they stared up at me. He did not plead for mercy, neither did he curse at him.

An interesting man, I thought, tilting my head in consideration.

"Does your brother actually care about you?" I asked, my eyes warning him to tell the truth.

"Scouts honor" he swore, his eyes sparkling.

I had to give it to him, there weren't a lot of people who would smile in the face of death.

"What to do.." I said with a frown, "at this point I really really want to kill you, if only for the fun of it"

Naum smiled softly at me, which was weird considering the whole knife in his chest situation.

Slowly, I pulled out the knife and sat on the bed.

In contemplation, I massaged my temples, "you wouldn't happen to know anybody I could conveniently kill, would you?"

He nodded even as his hands came up and I sent my body flying across the room.

My legs were bent in a fighting stance, my hands were charged with magic and a chilling smile played across my lips.

"You have very good reflexes, Adolorata" he said sitting up, his hands folded beneath his jaw, "but you do not need to be so cautious, I would never lay a hand on you, my dear, I happen to like you very very much"

My stance did not relax, "you call me Adolorata, no one else does"

Naum stood, stretched his long legs and walked to me with his arms up which meant nothing considering how powerful he was.

"I like it, Italian is it?" He said, coming to stand in front of me with an indulging, soft smile.

Him and his bloody smiles.

I nodded, "Sicilian"

"Put your magic away, dear, I reckon you can blast my into smithereens even with all senses dead" he said.

I cocked my head, smiling sweetly, "true"

My hands came down, not because I was being overconfident, he wasn't lying about me blasting him into smithereens, but because it didn't matter whether my stance was relaxed or not.

I could kill him, I would kill him, if it came to that.

I had no moral issues with butchering him up, my conscience has no hold over me and the ones who could kill me were already dead.

My hands gripped his as my smile widened, "who do you have in mind, Naum?"


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