Chapter Thirty Seven

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Hello there my lovely readers! It's been an awfully long time since I posted anything.

As an apology, I'll be dropping two chapters created and inspired by a particular comment I saw today 😉


"You don't seem all that surprised" Azaezel said.

With a cold smile on my face I turned to face him, "I'm not"

"So, you predicted her escape?" Naum said, more a statement than a question.

I turned back to the broken, empty fizzure before me that crackled and fizzled with world magic.

The very powerful magic cell created by us had been broken.

I couldn't help it, I smiled, "something like that. However, you're getting something wrong, Naum, she did not escape, she was released"

My blood was cold.

My mind was still and carefully calm.
I was not angry. No, I wasn't angry at all.

Truly, at that moment, I felt like I was in a strange bubble where nothing reached me.

I was calm, as calm as the silent sea. I was very calm.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears and I turned to meet my grandmother with a wide smile.

"She got you good, didn't she?" I asked tilting my head slightly, "how do you feel now? Like you should have choked her to death at her crib, right?"

Elan's face was wrought with shame disguised as anger.

How dare she be angry, I thought, when she'd let herself be played by a mad woman. She'd chosen to close her eyes to the atrocious of her spawn and now she'd been used her to make her grand escape.

Now the Maine family she sought so hard to keep together would begin to fall in small little chips.

Mother was as much my leash as I was hers. Now that Grandmother had lost the leash she had around my neck, she knew well enough that I would leave everything behind in a heartbeat if I felt like it.

Luckily for her, I didn't. Not yet at least, not until I put an end to this fairytale of ours. And perhaps, not even then.

"I have heard tales of The puppeteer, but I never realized that her strings were already strung to the Matriarch" Naum said blandly.

"You'd do well to watch your tongue, I will not be disrespected on the grounds of my own Monarchy" Elan hissed.

I barked a short laugh, "you do not get to throw your weight around, grandmother," I said, taking a step closer to her as I grouted, "my mother is powerful, of course, but not powerful enough to control the Matrich of the Maine Monarchy, not without unconscious allowance"

"Do not take that tone with me girl--"

My eyes took the color of fire as power flooded my veins. The familiar rush of rage tugged at my leash, pulling my under, drawing me deeper, drowning me in its embrace.

I welcomed it because even as I lost control, I was in control.

"I warned you," I said in a gritty whisper, my voice shaking with tears? Anger? I couldn't be sure, "I told you that even the slightest degree of affection for her could give her the chance to hook her teethers into you.

" 'She's your daughter' you said, 'my mother' you insisted, and all through it I warned you not envision a perfect, reunited family. She's gagazae, the moment you think it, you let her in.

"She does not deserve your mercy, she does not deserve your sympathy--"

Elan grinded her teeth, "she's my daughter"

"She made her husband prey on her children, turning him into an abusive pedophile until he killed himself out of depression, fed on the soul of my sister, your granddaughter, made her body into one of her puppets and then made me kill her with my small, little hands inorder to make me the perfect vessel for her to inhabit.

"All my life, she sought to corrupt my soul in order to break down every obstacle in way of acquiring the perfect body she required. All my life! Every waking moment I have been pursued, taken apart bit by bit, destroyed from inside by the woman who birthed me! By my own mother!

"Can you for a second imagine what it has felt like living in the vessel she created, wishing for death, for that eternal rest that would finally put an end to all of this but knowing that I would have to live because my death, my escape, is her victory?

"You think I did not want to love her? You think I did not try everyday to convince myself that I was the problem because I did. I tried, by God, I tried. Look how it turned out?

"I wake up everyday, knowing that I am her final, most perfect creation, have you any idea what it feels like? Well let me tell you, it feels like agony itself. Eating with the hands that choked my little sister to death, watching the world move like I watched my father throw himself off the building...

"Do you know, my father would rape me with tears running down his cheeks crying out, 'make it stop', his eyes eyes, begging me to make it stop.

"Your daughter? My mother? No, she's none of those things. She's your nightmare, my fears, she's the little red door we'll never be able to shut"

I took a step back.

Took in a deep breath.

Exhaled heavily.

"Do not sympathize with her, do not sympathize with me either. You had your chance to do something when your three year old granddaughter begged you for help with her eyes bleeding blood. You made the choice to ignore it then, now I simply ask that you do what you've always done.
Look away"


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