Chapter Fourteen

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Hellooooo! 🤗

How have you been, my lovely lovelies?

Another wonderful chapter for y'all.


"So, any last words" I asked, hands in my pocket.

He let out a nervous chuckle, "no, do you have any for me?"

I gave him a patronizing smile, "of course not, at least not for you
"I've thought about my last words many, many times"

A ragged cough raked his body, forcing him to bend and almost breaking him in two.

Once he was capable of speech and without even bothering to clean the blood he'd coughed up, - it made sense, I thought, he'd only cough up more- he asked, "you've thought about your own death?"

"Of course I have" I said, with all righteousness, "I have discovered that thinking about my own death, may just be the best thing I've done in my life, it helped me...align my thoughts"

He was visibly confused and so was Naum who was standing eighteen feet away.

"Look, I had a rough life, still do and sometimes, I forget things" I said slowly, sitting on the dusty concrete slab, "like the fact that life isn't fair"

"It's not, is it?" He growled in a way that told me he was about to launch into a life is unfair speech.

I cut in, partly because I didn't want to listen to it and partly because he'd probably die a little quicker if he did, not that I'd have anything to do with it - I swear, scouts honor.

"Life is unfair, it always has been, I think it was designed that way or something, if anything, the only thing fair in life is the unfairness of life, everybody gets their own at least once" I said with a world-weary sigh, "not to sound philosophical or shit, but life always gives little and asks for much more.

"Infact, I think dying, death itself, is not all that bad, not too much of a loss-"

"Spare me that crap!" He yelled, his voice cracked, yet strong, the fear of death riding on his every word, "what could possibly be worse than death?!!"

"Being dead, yet alive" I said, watching my calm reflection in his crazed eyes, "death is the golden key to peaceful nothingness, there is nothing as peaceful as being dead"

Perhaps it was the calm in my eyes, or the coldness, or the nothingness reflected in my bottomless eyes that clued him in, but he flinched.

He staggered away from me with speed he probably didn't know he still possessed, "you.."

"Lucky you" I said with a sigh, "you can just die and go your merry way, if only I could die too, maybe..maybe everything would be quiet, the noise, the screams, the voices..

"When I was younger, too small to know my way around things, I believed in the lie that was life, people prefer life because it's a beautiful lie but death, death is just the painful truth.

"Sometimes.. sometimes I feel like I'm dead but they just forgot to bury me.

"I feel so cheated, nothing in life is promised except death and yet..! And yet.. And yet, even this delightful resting place, this blissful awakening end that I long for eludes me!

"Living hurts, life hurts more that death, brother, I can assure you that you're better off dead than here, at least, you get to rest, eternally. No more fear, no more hurt, no more pain"

I stood, my breathing was stable, my mind was clear, my heart, untroubled.

My gaze fell upon the to-be dead guy who was staring at me with wide eyes. Fear, confusion and well, more fear wafted off him, "we forget sometimes, perhaps because of the powers the feas have given to us, that the goal of life is death, at the end of the day, no matter how great you are or how powerful you are, you die"
Walking up to him, I stretched a hand and, invoking a spell, blew him into bits, "At least, some of us"

I buried him after that.

I, by myself, gathered the many pieces of him, all of it, and sent it into the ground.

All of him.

Naum didn't help, he'd probably sensed that I would not appreciate his assistance and would show my displeasure in a very handy manner for example, backhanding him into the middle east.

I sighed, now that would have helped as a stress reliever.

"Do you want me to try killing you?" He asked on our way back, his eyes focused on the road as he switched gears.

I gave him a wave, "give it your best shot"

He smiled widely, "Aye! Aye! Captain!"

"I can't hear you..!"

He gave me a confused glance.

"It's from SpongeBob, you're supposed to say it again then I'd be like, uh.....!!" I said, angry at him for getting my hopes up, if he wasn't going to finish it, then he shouldn't have started it in the first place.

Damn rich boy! I thought with a hiss as I turned to stare out the window.
He chuckled good-naturedly, "sorry, boss"

"Hmph" I huffed under my breath.

"Sometimes, alright, most of the times, I wonder how you do it" hesaid softly.

I turned to him with furrowed brows,"do what?"

"How you go from serious to playful I seconds" he muttered, "one moment you're so emotionally involved in the conversation, the next minute you're asking me whether stairs are supposed to go up or down-"

"I vote for up, I mean humans probably wanted a more convenient way up and invented stairs" I concluded, nodding my head.

He was silent for a while before he suddenly burst into laughter.

I joined him, not sure why we were laughing, all the while I debated within me, whether I should erase his memory or just kill him and be done with.

I loved his brother, and Naum had just seen me do something bad. That wouldn't stand.

By the time the car parked by the side of his house, Naum was unconscious, his memory wiped and myself, well, I was at home eating a midnight snack.
I think I'm getting a hang of this pickles thing.

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