Chapter Twelve

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Hello guys!

Here's another chapter that's guaranteed to put a smile on your faces.


Oh if the gods could see me now...

They'd strike me dead for the sake of world peace but that was beside the point, I think.

I was in a frilly, white, fluffy, stupid looking dress.


This must be some sort of karma, I deduced.

Shaking my head at the sheer ridiculousness of my situation, I turned my back to the mirror and told the shop assistant to the million dollar, elites-only boutique, "you could hand me the ownership documents to a gold mine but I still won't wear this piece of shit"

  She blanched and hurridly apologized while bowing, "I'm sorry ma'am, I'll get a new one--"

"No" I cut in, my index finger raised, "get me the designer of this dress"

"Ma'am?" She questioned, her blue eyes bulging, "t-t-the designer?"

"Did I stutter?"  I asked, my head titled in genuine confusion.

"No ma'am" she said with another now, "immediately ma'am" she added, still bowing.

Resting against the wall in the typical bad boy leg-bent-against-the-wall fashion, Naum said lazily, "forgive me if I come across rude, but do you make it a point of duty to scare the living daylights out of everyone you come across?"

I raised my chin proudly, "as a matter of fact, I do, being nice takes the fun out of being alive"

"Ain't that the craziest quote ever spoken" he muttered, "it's one in the morning, it's gonna be a hassle getting the designer here"

My brows arked as my mood plummeted, "you are the one who promised me a replacement then brought me here at this ungodly hour, Naum, you do not get to play the sane one here"

He pushed off the wall, his silk pyjamas falling to his ankle as he sauntered to me in a way that only stupidly rich, stupidly beautiful people could do.

"Well, I dragged my sexy ass out of bed to get you fresh meat and that's what I'll do, darling" he drawled.

I shook my head at him, only Naum could call his pyjamas-clad self sexy with a straight face.

No, I rethought, perhaps I could do it too.

"Besides" he said, running a hand down my front, "I think you look sexy in this"

I have him a wide, dazed smile-- and then tore the cloth in half from top to bottom, leaving me naked except for a scrappy lace thong.

"Well, I think it looks sexier on this floor," I mimicked with a daring smirk on my lips, "now, I recommend that you get me what you promised before I conveniently forget that you are my beloved's brother, darling"

Patting his cheeks, I sashayed out of there, giving the stupid white dress an extra kick.


Checking out my ass in the wall length mirror, I whistled complimentarily, "damn girl, you are hot"

"I agree," Naum said, fixing a strange looking pin on his knee length, black jacket whose material was the softest thing ever created. I would know, I had spent a whole thirty minutes running myself all over it and then insisting on my dress being made out the same material.

Turning to give the sweating designer and tailor a dazzling smile, I said, "you see, you can make clothes in two hours, apparently you just needed the right motivation"

He was dazzled by my unexpected smile, for about a minute or so before he remembered what the said motivation was.

"Don't you think so too," I asked with that same smile, "Mrs Darling?"

The gagged and tied woman nodded vigorously.

I gave her a pleased nod.

She was way more obedient now, I had no idea why humans seem to prefer to comply after torture instead of complying right from the start.


He hummed his reply, too busy checking me out, a slight frown on his face when he noticed just how high the slit of the dress was.

I was of the opinion that slits were meant to reach the upper thigh or they shouldn't be there at all.

"Can I keep him?" I asked with a tilt of my head, "I can envision the oh-so-perfect dresses I could get him to create, the very thought makes my blood boil"

Smiling at my obvious excitement, he tucked a stray hair behind my ear, "of course you can"

I heard a shrill yet small sound of protest that I decided to ignore as I wrapped my hand around his neck, "for a potential victim you're pretty touchy feely"

His smile was small yet beautiful, "what can I say Adolorata, I find myself bewitched by you, whether I live or die tonight I shall feed you, clothe you and make you happy.

"I find that there are few things I wouldn't do to see you smile at me" he said dazedly.

I squeezed his neck in warning, "would you die for me?"

Naum chuckled, well, as much as my squeezing hands would let him "I'm not quite there yet, love"

"Good" I quipped, releasing him from my hold, "the completely besotted ones are the most useful, I wager that soon enough, you will die for me, and you shall do it with a smile on your face"

He slid my hand into the crook off his arm, "that, dearest, I do not doubt"

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