Chapter Thirty Nine

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Gooooood morning folks!

Let's start the day with a riveting chapter.


"So, Cullen seems to vibe to your kind of madness," Naum said, taking a spoon of my lunch into his mouth.

Giving up on any semblance on any kind of ownership I had over the plate of food I'd dished for myself, I stood up from my couch and walked to the kitchen to dish another.

We were in my house, us three, just sitting around with me pretending like they weren't keeping tabs on me.

With a fresh plate in my hand, I turned it head back to the sitting room only Naum was behind me with his spoon -formerly mine- in his hand.

I gave him an excerpted look, "I left the other serving for you"

He gave me a sly wink as he scooped some rice off my plate, "c'mon, Adolorata, you know it's only fun for me when it's yours"

I ignored him and I ignored the fact that I had not smashed the plate on his head. Was I getting better or did was I getting immune to Naum's-ness?"

Walking past him, I walked back to the sitting room, ogling Azaezel who was idly reading a magazine. Did I mention he was wearing glasses? Like honest to God, four rimmed glasses complete with the silver thread that went around his neck.

Like seriously, at that point every perfectly normal woman would stop to ogle. Who wouldn't stare blatantly at a six feet seven inches muscled guy with a face chiseled to perfection and long silver hair draped over his shoulders. Not to mention he was sitting cross legged on my couch with an arm lazily sprawled behind it.

I sighed.

"You're drooling, Gaea, and I'm pretty sure it's not the food" Naum said snapping me out if my reverie as he took the plate from my hand and set it on the glass table, "sit, eat, my brother will still be here to ogle after you get some food into you"

"Okay," I said with a smile, "so, Cullen, yes, he does seem okay with my me-ness, somewhat"

He eyed me, "you doubt him"

"I'm skeptical, a lot of people have promised me eternal friendship throughout my life time" I said with a self mocking smile, "and I remain alone. Eventually, they realize that friendship is just not enough to serve as the bond between them and myself"

"Perhaps you are wrong," Azaezel said, speaking for the first time since we stepped into my loft.

"Take it from the woman who's lost everyone who's ever pledged undying loyalty to her, at the end of the day, friendship is never enough," I insisted.

"Then what is?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes.

I smiled, a cheek spliting smile, "in my experience, there are only two kinds of emotions that can persevere and remain steadfast in the face of all abominations and the machinations of time, devotion that stems from love or hate that stems from betrayal, all other emotions eventually fade away, time sees it that"

I ate silently as the brother's digested my words.

"I want to know," Naum suddenly said, "I want to know what happened to you as a child"

I pointed my oily spoon at him, "I'll tell if you tell"

He chuckled darkly, "ours isn't a pretty story"

I shrugged, "it never is, is it? So, spill, what did mommy and daddy do to screw up your childhood"

He smiled, and in it you could see the rage, bitterness and abyssal sadness lurking just beneath the surface, "well mommy couldn't do anything, neither mine nor his, we saw to it.

"Killed them at our birth taking about three hundred people with them. See, a blast occured as a result of the clash between our powers but even without that happening, no woman, no matter how powerful she was could have been able to house entities like us in her womb and make it out alive.

"I say entities because that's exactly what we are. Experiments of our father and his council, we were anything but normal, we were abnormal, even for Eragons. He'd used our mothers as cocoons to house us, we had to be birthed at the same time, within the same space, of the same man.

"They'd been many before us. Many other twins from different mothers but they didn't make it, they either died before the due date or one woman went to labour before the other rendering the whole experiment a failure. Lots and lots of unborn kids, lots and lots of women, dead"

He laughed hysterically, "wanna hear the headline?" He asked as he walked to my liquor shelf, going straight for the bourbon, "they knew, all those women went it into voluntarily. All of them wanted to be mothers to the miracle babies that would elevate the status of the El-Darado's, only God knows how high that wanted it elevate themselves considering that they were already at the top of the food chain even before our births.

"Anyway, we were brought up by our father AKA mastermind behind the whole experiment, in a very intense environment. You see, contrary to what everyone had thought, he'd kept some of the children, 'failed experiments' he called them and from our very first day on earth, which I remember vividly being the freaky freak I am, he fed them to us.

"Little by little, from suckling on their blood to eating their flesh to chewing their bones, you know, 'cos baby formula wasn't gonna cut it. Then when we were four, he let us loose in a field filled with those children and told us to hunt or die of starvation. At first, we refused, of course, but then, we weren't the only ones hungry, they were too.

"So, we hunted and as much as I'd like to say it was a horrible experience, it wasn't. We'd been bred on the flesh of these children, our father would skin the flesh from their alive bodies right in front of the dining table where we sat and then 'bon appetit'.

"So no, it wasn't a horrible experience, it was just an experience. Wasn't until a few years later when we discovered the moral wrongness of our actions but even then, our emotions were far too jaded to wallow in guilt. It was like learning that chickens are some kind of distant relatives after living as a non vegetarian all your life. Weird but, not that weird"

I swallowed. I had suspected, but my suspicions did not cover it, at all, "so, what exactly was the experiment for?"

It was Azaezel who answered me, "to make us faes. You see, Adolorata, we are not human occupied faes, we are human faes. We don't borrow our powers by leveraging our bodies, we own it, we tap into it on our own terms, directly into power itself. The problem was that we didn't just tap into the power, we became our powers. It's why we react to each other's presence, the power just comes in waves and waves, interfering with each others because that's what power does, it overpowers. It's why we couldn't stay in the same space..."

"Until me," I said under my breath, I had noticed the fact that the Eragon brothers had a hard time being around each other except when they were with me.

He nodded, "until you"

I hummed slightly, not quite sure how I felt about it.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be the one for two extremely hot, extremely powerful Eragons?

Still, I had my own problems. Plus, I wasn't exactly the best person serve as a medium of control for anybody.

"Your turn," Naum said, handing me a glass of whatever he was drinking.

He'd long since graduated from bourbon and moved to mixing whatever he could get his hand on.

"I have a feeling you're gonna need it", he said with a mock toast.


We've finally gotten the full story of our MLs.

Sad, but who doesn't like sad, handsome guys? 😉

Look forward to the next chapter. It's time to get the full story of our girl.

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