Chapter Twenty Seven

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How're you doing?

So, I know I promised to give you a sneak peak of our sexy Eragon on this chapter but it just didn't happen 😅😢😢.

So, let's enjoy our Adolo-- Oops! Gaea, as she storms through this chapter and our hearts 🥰.

Well, if there was ever a dress that was the dress, this would've been it.

Stroking the fabric of the dress, I let out a dreamy sigh and slipped it into my wardrobe. Yes, it would do. It would more than do, I thought with an evil smirk.

Moving to my kitchen, I made my coffee the old fashioned way and dumped a heap of recommended and non-recommended pills into the plain white mug and stirred gently.

Sipping it while musing on its unique taste, I disposed the now empty medicine bottle.

I was out of drugs.

I barked a short laugh as I placed a call to my grandmother.

"Which is it? Do you want me to kill the whole student population or do you want me to kill the students and the teachers?" I said immediately she picked up, "I can't, for the life of me, figure out which but I can assure you that I have enough power to do all"

There was silence.


The silence game.

What was I, sane?

Putting the phone down, I shed my clothes as I walked to the bathroom.

Once under the steaming water, I scrubbed my body vigorously.

I saw my skin shed, I saw the blood and the hair fall.

Drip. Drip.

Suddenly, the shower came off. The light went off and the house quieted.


The phone rung. The only thing working in the house.

I walked out of the bathroom stark naked, leaving puddles of water on the marbled ground with every step I took.

Whence I came to stand in the kitchen, beside the slab where my phone was, the kitchen lights came on. Like a spotlight.

I smiled wryly and picked up the phone.

"This," Elan said, her voice, clear and cold, "is power, granddaughter. One word and I can take everything away from you, one word and you are back in your nightmare where I found you -"

"One more word.." I cut in, my voice a mirror of her but with an undertone of amusement, "and I will give you nightmares"

I sipped at my leftover coffee, "my name is Gaea Adolorata Maine. Electricity, water, food, drugs..." I scoffed, "when have those things ever mattered?

"When you found me..." I barked a short laugh, "when you found me I was standing over my nightmares with a scalpel in my hand and a smile on my face. When you found me, I was the nightmare. You do not scare me, grandmother. Nothing does."

I heard a deep, compromising sigh, "I am your flesh and blood, Gaea, I want what's best for you. I want you to be normal"

Hoisting myself only the island, I frowned in thought, "I do not understand. I am mentally ill, magically deranged and prone to mass murder, and you are a very smart woman who knows this. So, I find it a tad bit silly that you think that I can ever be sane.

"Making me the Clan heir, sending me to school and giving me freedom? That doesn't seem very smart-like, so what gives Elan? What do you want?"

There was silence.

And then there was not.

"When your mother was your age, she was just like you but very different reasons. While yours seem to have been... begotten from your experiences, her's was, natural. It was just there, she was just...evil" she said slowly, "and while I might've tried to curb it, I mostly left her alone and focused on making a suitable match for her-"

"So you ignored your mad child, married her off and she went on to make everyone around her mad" I said with a dreary sigh, "that sounds like bad parenting, which sounds like a you problem, which makes it none of my business. I am not my mother, you cannot pacify your conscience by being the 'mother figure' in my life--"

"I am not trying to pacify my conscience, Adolo-"

"Gaea!" I interrupted, "Get the name right"

She hissed, "it seems like the therapy is not working"

A slow smile spread across my face, "did you expect it to? You must be jesting, grandmother, I have been mad for the most part of my life, do you really think talking to some stranger will help?"

"What will then? What can I do to end your torment? Believe it or not, I have your best interest at heart" she gritted, her voice strong and firm, "you are my granddaughter, my blood, the child of my child, there is nothing I will not do for your wellbeing.

"So, tell me. Tell me what I can do to make you receptive to treatment."

I rubbed the rim of the mug with my thumb until it reddened, "you are my grandmother, and so I will tell you what I truly believe.

"Being sane? Not possible. Being normal? Not possible. I... I can't be what you want me to be, I can't even be what I want to be. My every action is driven by my bloodcurdling past, my thoughts have long since seized to be solely mine and if there was ever a me that truly me, then she is long gone.

"All that's left is bits and pieces of the girl that once was and the devil she has become. Now, you want to do something for me..? Then give me peace. Give me my mother. Let me put my deepest, darkest terror to eternal rest... But even that, I know you cannot do"

There was silence, my heavy breathing the only sound that could be heard.

"So, no, grandmother, there is nothing you can do for me but stay out of my life and ignore my.. excesses where they might be"

She sighed deeply, "I'm just trying to be a better... I'm just tired of the crazy that looms over our clan. I'm just trying to make things better"

"Well, I am tired too, Elan. I too wish to say 'tata' and you know, jump over a cliff high enough to kill me but they won't let me. I am so very tired, you wouldn't believe what I would do to be able to die. However, since things are as they are, I have vowed to dedicate the rest of my tired life to making my enemies tired of life.

"Make no mistake, Elan, you cannot protect her from me. If I must live through this hell, then we are all going to burn for our sins."



That last line sent shivers down my spine...

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