Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hello there beautiful people!!

Fancy meeting you here 😉, I hope you didn't miss me too much.

Enjoy this chapter as we anticipate the lovely month of June.

-Your Author.

With both Gwen -yes, her name was simply Gwen, quite plain if you'd ask me-, and myself on his arms, Cullen looked extremely dashing as he walked into the grand hall.

Marcy and some guy, who stood at the side ushering people in, smiled brightly at us.

I wasn't fooled though. Her smile might have been perfect but my pores were screaming at the negative emotion she was sending my way.

As if on cue, Cullen whispered, "she is so pissed. This is the first time I've ever sensed negative emotion from Marcy and I am loving it"

"It must be the dress" Gwen added quietly, "I'd kill you too if you wore that to my party"

Chuckling softly, I ran a jeweled hand down the soft material of my clothing.

It was a gold silk armless dress that clung to my skin like a lover's touch. Reaching mid thigh, it had a white gold trimming at the hem, perfectly contrasting my pale, alabaster white skin. It was backless, of course, reaching my tail bone before coming together in a chic bow. Pairing it with lacy gloves that were the color of my skin, teardrop diamond earrings, five inches gold heels and with my hair packed in a slightly loose chignon, my outfit didn't just steal the limelight, it stole the whole bloody chandelier.

Sashaying to our host, I exchanged an air kiss with Marcy, "what a lovely party, Marcy, I have to say, I was surprised to be allowed through the front door considering our last..tete-e-tete"

She waved a hand in the air, "it's all in the past Adolorata, you look lovely by the way"

I smiled. She was pained enough without me adding anything on top.

"Thank you for coming, Cullen, you too Gwen" she said, "this is my fiancee Zaqé, I'm sure you've heard all about him so I won't bore you with the details. Enjoy the party"

I didn't know all about him but she was right about the detail boring part so I remained silent.

The decore and dressing of the guests gave a semi formal feeling.

While there weren't any ball gowns and tuxes, there were diamond jewelry, chic dresses and suits.

"I heard that Marcy extended an invitation to the Eragon brothers" said Gwen, snagging a champagne flute from a passing waiter.

"Really.." I said distractedly as I watched the perspiring glass of alcohol with greed.

Stimulants of all kind were out of the question for me according to my doctor, asides the prescribed ones at least.

"I thought the invite had to be purple and gold?" I asked, counting the different ways to make fire in my head in a bid to distract myself.

"Sweetheart, the invite could be baby pink for all we care, if an Eragon attends, it automatically becomes the party of the century" Cullen said.

As he finished speaking, a dark skinned guy sidled up to us. Giving a small bow, he said, "Good evening, Miss Maine, Cullen, Gwen"

Cullen gave him a pat on the shoulder, "hey there, Arch, Gaea this is Archimedes Durha Maine, he's a long time friend of ours"

I nodded and stretched my hand.

Taking my gloves hand, he placed it on his forehead before kissing it as was customary, "might I say you look exquisite today, Heir Maine"

When be released my hand I gave him a consoling pat on his back.

Archimedes huh, poor guy. His parents must be a lover of old science like most Maines were. Naming your child after a named scientist was all in vouge I heard, it didn't make it any less embarrassing for the bearer of the name though.

"Let's call you Arch" I said with a small smile.

He chuckled, "I've made peace with my name, Heir, especially since my older twin brother is named Gay-Lussac, I dodged a bullet by coming minutes after him"

Closing my mouth, I gave him another pat, thus one more enthusiastic that the former, "lucky bastard"

Taking it like a good sport, he laughed, "that I am"

"Good evening, dearest Heir" a taciturn voice said as a guy almost identical to Arch came into view.

When he abruptly took my hand I proceeded to set his on fire.

He squeaked, squawked but settled when his sense came to and he used magic to quench it.

The whole fiasco attracted a lot of stares, especially from the ladies but when I reciprocated with a stare that assured them that I wouldn't hesitate to do the same with perfectly flammable, product baptized hairs, they looked away, fast.

"Forgive my impertinence, but whatever was that for?" Gay-Lussac hissed.

Shielding his brother slightly, Arch apologized, "forgive my brother, Heir, I'm sure he meant no offense by taking your hand before you gave it"

"Ahah! I see the name isn't the only better thing you got " I said languidly.

He bristled and my hand warmed, "what is that supposed to mean?!"

I smiled sweetly, my finger sparking.

Seeing my smile for what it was, Cullen interrupted swiftly, "she means that you have a terrible name and should fuck off before she the sets you on fire, again"

"Know your place, imp, you should know better than to interrupt when your betters are speaking" Gay-Lussac said testily.

Trying to smooth over the situation, Arch chuckled nervously, "Heir--"

"Miss Maine" Gay-who-is-about-to-be-set-on-Lusaac interrupted, "technically you are not Heir yet as you have yet to be formally coronated, and even if you were, it would not give the right to treat one of your Hands in such a degrading manner"

I tilted my head, "will you continue to speak to me with such disrespect?"

The lights flickered. On, off, on, off.

Marcy and her guy friend came up to us, "what seems to be the matter here, if we would all calm down and enjoy the party I would appreciate it very much"

I would not. I wanted to skin the boy alive.

My heart was pounding and the smile on my face was stretching. The blood in me sizzeled and sparked as magic coursed through my veins, hightening my emotions.

Whispers filled my ears calling for unspeakable things, one though, was far sinister, far more persuasive that the others.

It gave me lovely ideas, the whispers were... delightful, I could see myself--

"Miss Maine" Marcy said with slight magic in her blood, perhaps she knew. Her eyes were shaky as they stared into mine, perhaps she saw.

"Perhaps you would like to join me for a tour of my collections" she said stiffly.

I blinked, smiled as I turned to her, "collection of what?"

"Telling you would take the fun out of it now wouldn't it?" She said teasingly, "Cullen, Gwen, you can also come along, may the Durha brothers enjoy the party with the others"

As we walked away, I spared a look at the Lussac guy. Perhaps he would live after all, or perhaps he would not.

The night was still young.


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