Chapter Thirty Eight

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Hey guys!!

As promised, another chapter to satisfy your cravings.


"...And that is why magic photon and mechanical engineering do not work it sync. Now, robotic engineering on the other hand has made a huge impact with the help of fae magic..."

I listened with rapt attention as the teacher spoke. The topic of engineering and magic had always interested me but with the the stunt my mother pulled the other day, my interest was borderline fascination now.


At what?

I might have opened a slimy box of Maine secret to the whole world but still, people knew better than to pry.

The Maine Monarchy was just that, a Monarchy. And Elan Maine was reigning Matriarch with two Hands and ten Fingers at her beck and call.

Hell, I could set the school on fire and people wouldn't say a damn thing.

Sure, they would whisper as they did then, the teachers would also looked at me with fearful eyes and reproachful eyes like they did then, but it wouldn't be anything more than that.

No, I wouldn't be getting any grief from the spineless ones. It was the weak ignorant and stupid powerful that I was wary of because one stray question would make that stupidity a capital crime.

I was holding on to my sanity, for now.

The class ended few minutes later and I dwadled for a while, wanting the throng of people going out lessen before going.

Until I was sure I wouldn't set to fire the first person that looked at me the wrong way, I was sticking to myself.

"Are you not leaving?" Azaezel said from beside me.

I stared at him, felt the draw, ignored it only to fall back into it.

A few minutes tug of war later, I failed.

Taking his hands in mine, I traced the marks on his palm. His skin was hard, visible veins rippled across like a scattered network line.

Yes, even the way his veins showed on his skin was artistic.

"I cannot bear to rub shoulders with anyone now, I just might kill the next person that touches me" I said lightly.

"I see" he said shortly.

I liked that. His voice. His answers. And the way his hands didn't flinch even as my claws came out and drew a line line down his arm, blood seeping through the line in carved.

"Never mind that", I said, watching the line I'd made close over, flesh over flesh until it was like the line had never been there, "what are you doing here?"

He shrugged, his eyes darting all over before coming to rest on mine, "nothing"

I stilled, then smiled slowly, bitterly.

"Don't do that, Azaezel," I warned in a soft voice, "don't patronize me"

"I worry about you--"

"Don't do that either," I captioned as I took a step back from him, "you know I was once attached to an elderly man. An imp. I raped him in his sleep after he shut the door on me. My mother might be the big bad wolf, but I'm no saint either"

"You're mentally ill.." he started.

My self mocking laugh cut him off, "you think my mental illness is the problem, love? Of course not. The crux of the problem is that I host the most powerful female fae that has ever exist and have thirteen mental illnesses. Ultimate power and brain problems don't exactly work well together. I'm constantly on the verge of becoming my mother and unlike her, I cannot be killed"

"Thirteen mental illnesses?" a voice I recognized as Naum's said from behind me.

"Good day to you too, Naum" I said without turning to face him, "are you also here because you think I might break down in tears at the slightest provocation?"

His hands came to caress my face, rubbing my forehead gently as he held my gaze. Surprising considering Azaezel was before me.

"Tears, no? But I do think you might set to fire the first person who asks a stupid question. Speaking of stupid questions, Cullen has been asking of you so I figured I'd do some damage control when he eventually makes his way to you" he said, his hands still on my face.

He knew me well. Very well, I thought with surprise.

Sighing deeply, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ears before saying, "here he comes now"

"Adi darling, I have been looking all over for you" Cullen said as he sashayed his way to me.

He had this strange way of walking that only being gay could excuse. But, he wasn't gay, so there was no excuse.

Enveloping me in a hug, he cooed, "there there now, we all have that relative we'd love to bury six feet under"

Smiling slightly, I asked with irked brows, "aren't you gonna ask me why?"

He looked at weirdly, "well, the why was clear, honey. You obviously hate her very very much, and let's face it, we'd all like to actually do something about our enemies without caring about the consequences like you, problem is, not all of us have the guts to do so"

"So, you're cool with me trying to kill my mother, the same woman who's lorded as the paragon of virtue and goodness?" I asked with skepticism and slight amusement.

"Well, I know you, if the reason you did that was a whim, you would've killed her without dragging it out like that which means she probably did something deserving of it" he said with a shrug as he tucked my hands in his elbow and led me out of the lecture theater, "you're an antisocial, mentally dysfunctional, anger driven woman, Adi, not a psychopath"

I raised my brows, allowing him to lead me into the hallway, "there's a difference?"

"Of course," he said, looking at me like I was the one with issues. Well, to be fair, I was the one with issues, but Cullen was obviously was not right in the head if he could excuse my behavior like it was the most normal thing in the world, "the former kills on a whim, in anger or as of result of planned action while the latter kills for the fun of it"

I tilted my head, trying to digest his words and failing, "I'm fairly certain that still doesn't excuse my actions"

"It doesn't have to. I like you, our friendship was forged over mutual dislike of the same person and midnight kidnapping by a very powerful Eragon who's been staring weirdly at me for a while now. You're stuck with me for life"

I smiled. A genuine smile.

"I like you too," I said clinging onto his arms.

He patted my head like I was a little girl, "we're fea occupied humans, Adolorata, none of us are entirely good anymore, the only reason why the person next to you is not like you is because they are not you. No one has lived your life and so no one has the right to judge it"

"Except God, the Old Christians insist that only God is the ultimate judge of our lives" I pipe with snarkiness.

He scoffed and smiled a bitter smile, "we live in a world where a slight show of weakness can get you killed, regardless of your age or gender, it is either this so called God doesn't exist, or He just doesn't care. Either way, we're on our own, honey"


To be continued...

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