Twenty Six

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Good evening love 😽😽

Another awesome chapter!! Enjoy!!

"So.." Cullen said, dropping a deep purple envelope on my table, " there's a party on Wednesday and I'd love to see you there"

Picking up the envelope, I took out the invitation, "well, this is formal, what is it, a wedding?"

He grinned, "no darling, all Caeserian invite's come in envelopes. The color though, is what makes it different"

I could that he was waiting for me to ask why but when I simply stated at him for about three minutes or so, he gave in.


Shifting closer, he whispered, "see this," he said, pointing silver edges of the envelope, "purple and silver means the elite of the elite, probably student council-main line elite, red comes after purple and it too is graded by gold, silver and bronze, then it's blue then white-"

"Wait, you said purple and silver means the elite of the elite, then what about purple and gold?" I asked, twirling the envelope with my finger like a mini windmill.

His voice went even lower and he looked around and said, "there're only two people who can even think of using purple and gold, the Eragon twins and I've never seen it been used"

I was mildly surprised, "I didn't think they'd be up for such childish things"

Sure, Naum might give off the happygolucky vibe, but I could see, I could taste the darkness that lurked beneath his polish.

"They're not, this is just the school's way of showing them respect " he said quickly.

Tucking the invite back into the envelope after going through it, I asked, "so what happens if someone else uses it?"

"They die" the answer was immediate, "it doesn't matter who you are or what clan you're from, your body gets chopped into a small pieces and spread across the school and nobody does anything. You break the rules, you get broken"

"Impressive, so who's throwing this one?" I asked nonchalantly.

He grinned wildly, "who do you think?"

Trying and failing to get my messy bed hair out of my face, I blew out a frustrated breath, "why did you kidnap me again?"

Although I couldn't see his face, I could hear the smile in his voice as Naum answered, "because your archenemy, Marcy Gustav is throwing the party of the century and I've got a black card with my brother's name on it"

"Ummm..." A small voice said beside us, "why am I here again?"

Plopping me onto the nearest chair, Naum fixed my hair and then went to pat Cullen's shoulder, "because you, my friend, you seem to be the only man besides me who can talk to Gaea without getting killed, plus you're the one who informed her of the party so you should take responsibility for her outfit"

"O-oh.." Cullen stammered shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

Glaring at Naum, I stared around the boutique we were in as well as the frightened attendants.

Naum, in typical Naum fashion had kidnapped me from my home, thrown me over his shoulder, kidnapped Cullen -the poor was still in his PJs- and then brought us there.

Why had I not torn off his legs you may ask.

Because He was here.


I felt a dark shiver run down my spine  at the thought of his name.

I might've been controlling my urges but I did not make the mistake of thinking they were not there.

Small, healthy doses had been keeping me sane.

For now.

I might not have known his exact location but I could feel him which meant he probably wanted me to behave. The fact that he'd let me feel his presence said that he was fully behind his brother's action.

So technically, I was kidnapped by both Naum and Him.

"So what happens now is that you try on every clothe I give you as well as matching shoes and jewelry while the three of us critique your attire--"

"But we're just two though" Cullen cut in.

Naum hissed, "don't cut me off while I'm talking and if you have questions, please raise your hand"

My hand went up.

"Yes, my love" he said with a dashing smile.

I stood slowly, "I will cooperate, this once"

He gave me a beautiful laugh, "while ignoring the fact that that is not a question, I am glad that you consent to this but not stupid enough to think I'm the reason why"

"Good " I answered back.

His smile was slow, evil, dangerous, "soon, Adolorata, soon"

Yes, I understand fully well that while he might play the fool he was no fool.

Not for the first time, I reflected that Naum was perhaps, far more dangerous than the madness that drew me to his brother.

Naum was madness, and then some.

Silence reigned for about a minute or so before it was timidly broken by Cullen, "um, so which color are you angling for?"

Naum gave a secret smile, "do even need to ask?"


Get ready for some Azeazel scene in the next chapter let's finally see the interaction between our crazy FL and one of the MLs...

Don't forget to drop a comment. 😜 #TeamNaum all the way!!!

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