Chapter Thirteen

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Good day and a very happy birthday to me🎉🎉🎉🎉

Another thrilling chapter for my faithful readers.

Ps. A very big shout-out to my readers who leave their comments and votes behind. I 💕 y'all!


I was drowning.

"Swim, child" she said in that sweet, soft voice of hers, a wide smile pulling at her lips.

My small, three-year old hands were chained to the bottom of the pool, bruised and bleeding from my frantic tugging.

Tears or was it the water, burned my eyes and they weren't the only things burning.

My insides were on fire from holding my breath for so long, my lips were pressed together as I continued to struggle against the instinctive urge to breathe.

She stood outside, just at the very edge of the pool.

Her dress, it was a pretty, long flowing white gown that made her seem even more fragile that usual.

Her features were still pleasant, her smile was still present as she watched me, her child, drown.

"Swim" she whispered in the same lovely voice she'd used to wish me happy birthday the day before.

I wanted to tell her I couldn't swim, I wanted to make her unchain me but most importantly, I wanted to understand..why?

Why do this to me?


"What do you think?" said Naum stretching his hands to the sea of people dancing like the devil was on their heels which - considering my presence there - he probably was, even as he effectively pulled me out of those anguishing memories that tried to claw me back into the darkness.

I cocked my head, my tone not in the least affected by the thoughts in my head, "am I missing something?"

He rolled his eyes, perhaps I would pull them out of their sockets after all, "any of these persons can be killed without consequences"

Gradually, a smile emerged, "that means, they're all free game?"

He nodded with a shit-eating grin, "yes, your ladyship"

Power hummed beneath my skin as anticipation brightened my already bright eyes, "I could kiss you right now"

"Please do" he said, pouting his lips in mock preparation.

Ignoring him, I merged into the crowd, wondering I hadn't discovered this place.

It was excellent for a killing spree.

They were all high as fucking kites, plus there was the fact that most of them were already dead.

Yes, dead.

Remember that stuff about fae possessing each human child a million gazillion years ago.

Well, for some people, it simply didn't work out.

The human body, the fragile thing it was, was sometimes unable to contain that much power without drying up the body's essence.

Humanity's relationship with the fae was, like everything else in the world, a give and take relationship.

Feas require a constant stream of energy inorder to safely inhabit a human body. That's why there were academies that train people on how to efficiently train their human bodies inorder to use their fae induced magic without drying up their essence and then, well, dying.

Most, if not all, of the people there were already drained to the point of no return.

T'was probably why they were dancing like it would be their last, because it literally could.

Underneath their drug-induced bravado and devil may care attitude was a gnawing fear that each breath they took could be their last.

This - sudden deaths and general apprehensiveness- was the result of humanity's greed for power.

We had traded our peace of mind for tremendous power, pretty sweet deal if you asked me.

"Hello, beautiful" one of the dead guys, I had to chuckle at that because that was fucking hilarious, said wrapping my waist with his beanstalk thin hands.

I looked back at him.

Dark bottomless eyes that at some point in his life, must've been pretty and bright, slimy blonde hair that looked like it had not been washed since mission impossible one came out, white pasty skin with a gaunt face stared back at me.

"Hi," I said with a smile.

"Wanna dance?" His said, trying for seductive and failing miserably.

"Can you?" I asked with a tilt of my head and a lovely smile on my red lips.

He didn't have much time left, I could tell.

Maybe a few hours, three at most, before disappeared from the earth, leaving not even a body behind.

His smile was horrible, dejected, wry and hopeless, "probably not, I can't feel my legs, I-I can't feel anything anymore, haven't been able to for a while"

He was one of the good ones which was sad because I suddenly had the urge to blow him into bits.

"I give you three hours and not a second over, I'll swallow a seven by seven if I'm wrong but I'm probably not" I stated clearly, "you're going to die today"

He smiled, a genuine, full, ear-to-ear smile which was crazy considering what is just told him.

His smile turned into a full-blown laugh, tears leaking from his duct.

"God, I needed that" he said smiling at me when he managed to catch his breath which took an awfully long time being that his lungs or what little was lift of it, were failing, "we're all trying to delude ourselves into thinking that we've gotta years and years ahead of us which is fucking stupid since we're all gonna die and it's our fault.
"It's good to find one person who can state the obvious so clearly"

I didn't understand his logic but then, I didn't need to.

On the contrary, I needed him to understand that I was about to blow him into bits and pieces.

Biting the inside of my cheeks, I thought on how best to convince him that dying by my hands would be way more fun than being erased off the surface of the earth by something you couldn't even see.

Fuck it! I'd just come right out and say it.

"Hey, what do you think of me blasting you to pieces?" I said in the mist enticing voice I could muster, "pretty sure you'd be the only sane human who voluntarily got himself blown into a thousand million pieces, you'd be making your own record dude, pretty sweet right?"

He blanked out for about seven seconds before a grin, one that actually lightened up his face, broke out, "only if you gather all of my pieces, bury me and write on my grave 'he might have lived silently but he sure did go out with a bang'"

I laughed heartily, thumping his back, "you've got yourself a deal"

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