Chapter 7 - The Thought of Magic

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'Was I that bad at saying things I want?' Pier thought as he was starting to feel uncomfortable from the constant gazes the people around were giving him, especially from the servants who looked at him as if he had two horns on his head.

'The king looks like he lost a war or something.' Pier glanced at the handsome king that is at the end of the table. The smiling face he had while talking to Asher and Raphael about their plans for the next two years was no longer there and was instead replaced with a stoic expression.

'Raphael looks so uncomfortable... should I ask him...? Nah, it's none of my business anyway.' He munched on a delicious pastry and smiled at the sweet and soft texture of the food.

'Will the king mind if I give the royal chef compliments?' A lot of things were running around Pier's thoughts right now but being wary of other people's opinions about him was never one of those.

'Asher looks the most uncomfortable out of everyone in here. Shouldn't he be grateful that I no longer wish to be with him? He can have all Elena to himself now!' He contemplated while stealing a glance at the Crown Prince.

'What did he mean he no longer desires me? What? I've rejected him numerous times before already but he still kept clinging to me, so why?' Asher's eyebrows were furrowed as if something really big was bothering him

Asher was having a hard time believing what just happened. His father was silently thinking about something while Raphael was looking around as if he were in the middle of a battle between giants and was unsure of the next action he should take.

Asher looked at Pier's directions and saw Pier staring at him. However, it was not the stare of someone infatuated with another being but rather one that is full of curiosity.

Pier tilted his head as if he was asking Asher what was wrong but Asher misinterpreted the young nobles' actions and thought Pier was looking at him with pity.

'What's with that look? Does he pity me or something?' He seethed in anger.

Asher was starting to get annoyed. Not by the fact alone that Pier was looking at him with pity but because the things he had organized in his head were starting to crumble as well.

"Young master Pier... do you really not want to be with Prince Asher anymore?" The man who was silent for quite a while spoke

Pier smiled at Raphael but it did not contain any friendliness. It was a smile that was full of ridicule and a little bit of animosity.

"I know that it may be shocking for you, Sir Raphael since you have seen me chase Prince Asher relentlessly but after what had happened last time, it made me realize that my place was not beside Prince Asher but rather somewhere else and I even begged Sir Raphael to cancel our engagement because of the same reason." Raphael flinched at the words, still unable to absorb the things that were happening around him. Pier's voice sounded cold and distant.

"Besides, a man like me could not bear an heir for Prince Asher even if he were to choose me. It would be the best and possible course of action to have him marry Lady Elena who can bear his heir and complete their family and Lady Elena is the perfect match for Prince Asher if I may boldly say." Pier smiled at them.

He recalled in the original Pier's memory the things about Elena. She was the only daughter of Marquis Scotch and is one of the most elegant ladies in the entire kingdom. She was a beauty that only a few could closely compare to and she was talented in handling responsibilities.

'I don't want too many responsibilities, too. Imagine ruling a kingdom...' Pier quietly shuddered at the thought of him being too busy and not giving himself the time to relax and enjoy.

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