Chapter 50 - Preparation

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A/N: I've seen that many people had caught up with the latest updates. Welcome to the Update Waiting Squad! We're glad to have you here <3.

P.S, it's two in the morning here so I'm pretty sleepy when I wrote this and it might have some errors. LMAO. Enjoy!


"Are you sure you have sent the letter to the young master?" Asher asked the servant who was tasked to deliver the invitations to the nobles who were to attend his birthday celebration.

It was already the ninth time he had asked the servant who had a nervous look on his face.

"Y-Yes, your highness! I assure you I have delivered the invitation to the young master!" The servant replied again. Asher sighed as he turned his head out the window of his study.

"Then what did the young master say?" He asked the servant. The messenger fiddled with his fingers as he gulped from the nervousness.

"T-The young master... he said 'oh' after r-receiving it and walked away!" The messenger asked with a hopeful look in his face. Hoping the prince would stop asking him if he had already delivered the items for the young master of the Belmiunde Household.

"That's all?" He asked.

"Huh?" The servant blurted out and he immediately covered his mouth with his hands. 

"Was that all the young master said?" Asher asked again and the servant nodded his head. 

"Yes, your highness!" Asher had a frown on his face as he imagined Pier's reaction based from what the messenger had said.

'If it was truly  like that, then I guess Pier was not excited with the invitation' He thought as he watched the bird fly by his window. 

The chirping of the birds were the only sound that could be heard inside Asher's study.

"Tell the invitation maker to create a better one with more expensive materials" the servant had a look of defeat on his face as he heard Asher's command. 

Aside from Asher's constant nagging if the young master had received the invitation, whenever he felt unsatisfied with the reactions he got from the messenger, he would tell the invitation maker to create a better one for Pier.

 "Make it better that it will suit the young master's taste" He ordered and the servant had no choice but to bow respectfully and follow his commands.

Asher tapped on his chair was he watched the streams of sunlight flow through his window and onto the floor.  It was so peaceful.

It had already been five days since they have returned from the boundary and the day for the Crown Prince's birthday was fast approaching. The preparations had mostly been done by the time Asher was away.

Invitations were sent, the halls were already decorated, everything was prepared.

But the Crown Prince was still worried because of one thing.

Pier Belmiunde's invitation

He could just send an invitation to the whole Belmiunde Household  but he wanted to send Pier a separate one as a means of telling the young master that he is personally expected by the prince to attend.

Asher already knew that Pier will not be the same as before.

Not that he have sent Pier any invitations before because he did not.

It was his first time sending Pier one on his birthday and he had already expected the outcomes.

Pier was not interested in the invitations he had sent.

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