Chapter 88 - Guardian

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"Greetings, mortal"

Pier's blurry eyes stared at the burning outline in front of him.

"You're suffering," the blurry thing in front of Pier spoke.

"Wha-..." He laid his head on the ground as the pounding headache started to creep in his nerves.

"Let me help you," the thing spoke again before Pier felt something hard touch his forehead.

As the hard thing that was touching Pier's forehead departed, Pier started to feel something in his body.

"What's... happening..." He spoke as he felt all too light and all too comfortable.

His body started to produce the same glow that the stone sitting at the top of the mountain was also emitting.

Pier turned to look at his hands.

'Why is my body glowing?' He thought as his breathing started to become stabilized.

He also felt the fatigue start to lighten and the entire drowsiness he was feeling from using all of his magic power go away.

After a few more seconds, Pier's vision started to become clear once more.


He spoke in awe as he felt his body return to its normal state. He was no longer fatigued, he no longer felt heavy, and


He can form his ice sword again.


He then turned his head towards the rock.

"I see, my magic is quite effective," His eyes immediately widened and his hands trembled when he saw the creature that was standing in front of him.

"...." His eyes silently screamed in fear as the creature's burning body lit the dark surroundings.

"Do you fear me, mortal?" The creature asked even without opening its beak.

It was as if it directly talked in Pier's mind.

"A... bird?" He spoke dumbfoundedly as he watched the bird stand proudly in front of him.

It was the same height as him.

However, what made Pier fear the giant bird in front of him was that its body was burning.

No, its body was not burning. It was completely made out of fire.

"Hah, I guess you could say I am a bird," He heard the voice again in his head.

"What...are you?" He asked hesitantly as he inched away from the bird.

The giant bird tilted its head in confusion on why the mortal was moving far from him.

"Why would I answer a mortal's question?"

The bird asked and both of Pier's eyebrows furrowed while he had a disbelieving look on his face. He had a terrified look on when he heard the voice's frightening tone.

Is this a monster of the Mir Mountains?

Is this the final boss that he had to defeat in a game?

What was happening right now?

Why were Pier's vitality and magic replenished instantly?

He had so many questions running in his head that he did not notice he was at the edge of the land they were on.

"I would not save you if you fall, mortal," The burning bird spoke and Pier gave an exhilarated breath at the intimidating voice.

It was the first time that he heard such a voice. It was so prideful that it made Pier scared to the core of his bones.

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