Chapter 59 - Resolve

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"You don't want me getting so much attention with my white hair, no?" Pier spoke as he grinned at the cloaked man and Ciaran nodded his head in response.

"Alright," he said as he turned his gaze away from the young master.

Ciaran started to think about what he had just seen.

'Was he really like that?' He was baffled to see the young master talk with him as if Pier was talking with someone insignificant.

The young master's demeanor suddenly changed when Ciaran asked him if he was even important and it disturbed Ciaran slightly. It was his first time seeing a person change the way they speak and the way they carry themselves with just the blink of an eye.

'Hoh...' Pier thought as he watched the hooded man avert his eyes from staring at him.

Pier knew he was currently at a disadvantage right now and wherever he looked into it, he would lose.

He immediately became alert with Ciaran's possible joke of putting poison in his food.

'I'm getting too comfortable with him.' Pier was indeed getting too comfortable around Ciaran. He had woken up to the reality regarding his actions when Ciaran spoke about the food and his importance.

Shallow, some may say but Pier could not help but feel threatened at the action.

Who was there with him?

What if the man that he only knew by name and face really did put poison in his food?

What if they really do not need him?

The last one would have been doable for Pier but the former two basically meant that he's helpless.

"Thanks for the food, Ciaran," Pier said as he got up from the stool he was sitting on. The movement caused the stool to create a screeching noise on the wooden floor as it scraped the surface.

Ciaran was left on their spot contemplating Pier's sudden change towards him.

When Pier got out of the building, he allowed his eyes to roam around the Stone City.

It did stand up to its name because most of the buildings are made out of stone and some are mixed with wood, just like the building he came from.

He did not know the place so Pier simply decided to wander around the nearby areas where the carriage was located. He drifted from different shop to shop, looking through their different materials sold.

"Do you want to buy this, perhaps?" He turned to look at an old man who was guarding the equipment store he was looking in.

The old man was pointing at a flute that was placed in a glass enclosure.

"Ah, pardon, no-"

"You can buy this at a discounted price if you play well enough!" The old man persuaded Pier.

Pier scratched his cheek at the old man's offer.

"I don't have any money to pay for the instrument," Pier spoke and the old man's eyebrows furrowed at the statement.

"Then why did you even look through the display?!" He scolded Pier and the young master's eyebrows raised at the man's words.

'Damn, oldie got no chill.'

"Alright, I'll leave," Pier said as he went out of the shop without a second thought leaving behind a grumpy old man.

"Geez, I was just looking." He rolled his eyes as he started to walk back into the carriage.

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