{2} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

WE CUDDLE UP ON THE couch to watch The Ring. After the movie, I glance down at Keira and notice she's fast asleep. She has her arm draped across my stomach and her head resting against my chest as she snores softly.

I quietly move out from underneath her and pick her up bridal style before carrying her into our room. I gently lay her down in bed and cover her up. Shutting the overhead light off, I crack the bedroom door shut and go into the living room.

I notice Korey is sitting on the couch, watching TV. 'Jeez, he appears in rooms fast. I was only in there for like two minutes.' "Hey, man," he replies, glancing up at me.

I plop down beside him. "Hey," I whisper before quietly exhaling a frustrated breath.

"So, I hear my baby sis is pregnant," he replies. "Is she really?"

"Yeah," I answer. "Who told you?"

"Jeremy," he replies causally. "He also told me him and Keira made up while they were with you in the hospital a few weeks ago. Is that true?"

"They did," I answer. "And also the baby is mine."

"But I thought you couldn't reproduce."

"Well, Dr. Green did an X-ray on me," I inform, "and we found out my baby maker was magically fixed."

"Well, congrats," he congratulates, slapping my shoulder enthusiastically.


"Dude, and if there's any tips or anything you need," he replies, "you can just come to me. Because you know my girlfriend just had my daughter."

"I know," I reply. "Thanks, man."

I get up from the couch and go into the kitchen. I fix myself a sandwich and then sit down to eat it. As I eat, something comes to mind.

+ "Colby, I must tell you something," my mom replies as she sits me down at the kitchen table. I'm sitting down at the table, eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Mama, what is it?" my little 5-year-old self asks her.

"Honey, Joey isn't your biological dad. He adopted you after I gave birth to you."

I nod my head. "Mama, who my real daddy?"

"Well, you never met him," she answers.

I nod my head. That's when she gives me the details of how it happened. Like this: "Mom?" my mom asks her mom.

"Yes, sweetie?" her mom, my grandma, asks, turning to her.

"I'm pregnant," she whispers. "And it's not Joey's baby. It's Jesse's baby."

"Does Joey know this?" Grandma asks, giving my mom a curious look.

She shakes her head. "You should tell him, honey," Grandma replies.

My mom sighs and calls Joey. Immediately, he answers. "Kimberly?" he asks gently into the phone.

"J-Joey, I ch-cheated on you," she mutters. "I-I a-am so so-sorry."

"You what?" Joey asks.

"I cheated on you," she repeats.

"With who?" Joey asks.

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now