{28} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

IN THE PAST FIVE DAYS, we have been getting ready for the court date. Today's the court date. (Even though we're not going to court for custody to be taken away from my dad, we're going to find out if Korey really is Monica's biological dad. I pray to God she is. Because I like having Monica as my niece!)

"What are you wearing?" Colby calls from the living room.

I walk out of the bedroom. "I'm wearing this," I reply, twirling around in the same white sundress I wore for our meeting with our lawyer a couple weeks ago.

He nods and then shows me two button up shirts. "I don't know which shirt to wear," he replies. "Should I wear the white button up one or the black button up one?"

I go up to him and plop down in his lap. "Hm, I think you should wear the white button up one," I reply. Nodding, he takes it off the hanger and puts it on. He's about to start buttoning it, when I stop him. "Let me do it," I reply, buttoning up his buttons only leaving the first two unbuttoned. After I'm done, he smiles at me. As I begin playing with his top button, I ask, "Who's going to watch Derek while we have this court session?"

"He can sit with either your mom and Augustine or my mom and Ashton in the crowd," he answers.

I nod my head. He brushes my side bangs from my face and kisses my cheek. "Babe, don't be nervous about today," he reassures me. "I'm going to be there with you. So, don't worry."

I exhale a deep breath. "I know."

I climb off his lap and pick Derek up. "Come on, Derek, let's get you dressed," I reply, carrying him into his room.

I lay him on his changing table and buckle the strap around his waist. "Hold on a second," I reply. "Momma needs to get what you're going to wear today."

I go over to his closet and pick out something for him to wear. To wear, I pick out his black onesie that was suppose to look like a he was wearing a white button up shirt, a red bow tie and a black vest, and his black dressy pants. I dress him in that before grabbing his black socks and putting them on him. I bring him into the living room and lay him on his play mat. "Come look at your son," I reply, going to grab my husband's arm.

He follows me (because he kind of had to). When he sees Derek, he coos, "Aw, he's adorable. Are you ready to go yet?"

"I just need to curl my hair and I'll apply my makeup in the car," I answer.

He nods. I enter into our bathroom and take my hair curling wand out to curl my hair.

In the end, I get bouncy curls. I grab my makeup bag and go out to the living room. That's where I find Colby watching TV and Derek playing with his box of blocks; shaking it as it made rattle noises. Giggling to myself, I put my makeup bag in my purse and then pick Derek up before turning to Colby. "You ready to go?" I ask.

He shuts the TV off. "Yep, I'm ready," he answers. "Let's go."

As we drive to the court house, I stare out the window and watch as everything blurs past me. That's when an idea pops into my head. I turn to Colby. "Babe, can you put on Sinners Never Sleep?" I ask. "I want to listen to a couple songs off that CD."

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now