{23} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

{Friday, March 11, 2011}

I WAKE UP THE FOLLOWING morning to find Keira sitting in the rocking chair while murmuring sweet lullabies to Derek. I climb out of bed, throw my sweatpants on, and go over to her. "Morning, babe," I whisper, bending down and kissing her forehead. "How long have you been awake?"

"Since 6:00," she whispers. "What are you doing up so early?"

"What time is it?" I ask, standing up and stretching.

"Almost 8:00," she answers. "Don't you have work today?"

"I actually talked with Kiana yesterday, and she said I can take Friday and Monday off. So, we'll be able to leave today," I inform with a smile.

She smiled back at me. "Yay. So, are we meeting Korey somewhere and following him or what?"

"Korey will be over here at 12:00 and we hope to be on the road by 1:00," I answer and she nods.

After breakfast, I enter into our room and pack my duffel bag. By the time I'm finished, it's nearly 11:00. I enter the living room and find my son laying on his play mat, playing with the stuffed animals and things that hung down while Keira is sitting on the couch, watching TV. I plop down beside her. "What'cha watching?" I ask, grabbing her hand and entwining our fingers.

"Ridiculousness on MTV," she answers. "You all packed?"

"Yep," I answer. "Are you and Derek packed?"

"Yep," she answers. "I packed our suitcase yesterday."

I nod. "So, where does your dad live again?" I ask.

"Well, apparently he's rich now, so he owns an expensive house," she answers, "in Tampa, Florida."


"I'm not excited about meeting my dad and Adrianna's daughter," she adds.

"Babe, I'm going to be with you every step of the way," I whisper as I twirl her hair around my index finger. "Remember that." I then kiss her cheek.

When Korey arrives, he puts Monica down and she runs over to Keira. "Ira!" She bends down and picks her up.

"Hi, sweetie pie," she replies, kissing her cheek.

"So, I was thinking we could have lunch and than leave," Korey suggests.

I nod. "Sounds good to me."

- - -

An hour and a half later, Monica and Derek are settled in their car seats and we're heading to Tampa, Florida. "So, are you nervous?" Korey asks, glancing at Keira from the rear view mirror.

She nods her head. "Yes. But, I know I shouldn't be because I got you two to protect me."

Korey nods. (Korey's driving, I'm riding shotgun, and Keira's sitting in the back with Monica in her car seat to my left and Derek in his car seat to my right.) I turn my upper body in the front seat and smile at her. She returns a smile and then rests her head against Monica's car seat and closes her eyes. 

After being on the road for two hours, we had to stop for gas. When we got back on the highway, Korey spoke. "Dude, I'm fucking scared," he replies.

"Why?" I ask. "It's just your dad."

"It's not that," he answers. "My dad specifically told me not to bring Monica and I broke his request and I'm bringing Monica with me."

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now