{40} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

{Friday, July 22, 2011}

I'M WOKEN UP THE NEXT morning to the sound of my mother shouting in the living room. 'What the fuck is she yelling at? And how the hell did she even get in?' I thought as I climb out of bed and slip on clothes. I go into the living room, where my mom is yelling at defenseless, still broken wife. "You're such a disgrace to me and my son! I don't even know why Colby even married you when you keep having fucking miscarriages and losing 'his' child and 'my' grandchild! I can't freaking believe you lost another one of my grandchildren! Maybe I should just f—"

"Mom, shut the fuck up!" I yell, going over to my heartbroken wife and embracing her in a hug.

"Well, it is her fault for losing another one of 'my' grandchildren," she answers bitterly, crossing her arms across her chest like a 5-year-old who was just they couldn't have dessert because they didn't finish their supper. "Maybe, I should f—"

"Mom, shut the fuck up and fucking stop!" I snap. "How about you just freaking leave! My wife is going through a tough time right now and she doesn't need your freaking negativity!"

"It'd be my honor," Mom answers. Exiting the apartment, my mom slams the front door behind herself and I begin rubbing my hand up and down my wife's bare back. "Baby, are you okay?"

"Colby, your mom yelled at me," she whispers behind her tears. "That's the first time she's ever yelled at me."

"Baby, shhh." I gently rock her back and forth and plant sweet kisses against her temple.

Keira starts sobbing more rapidly into my chest. That's when my iPhone starts playing Get Low by Lil Jon & East Side Boyz. When she hears that, she immediately stops sobbing and looks up at me. "Great, so, now, you're fucking cheating on me! Wow, you're such a mo—"

"Calm down!" I reassure. "Hayden set that as his ringtone a long time ago."

She immediately stops bitching at me and nods. I wipe her tears away and then grab my phone and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, dude," Hayden replies. "I heard what had happened with Keira. I'm sorry to hear that. Uh, quick question."

"What's up?" I ask.

"Do you mind if Natasha and I stop by with the twins? We want to see y'all and the twins really want to see Derek."

"I don't care if y'all stop by," I answer. "What time will y'all be over?"

"Probably around noon or so," he answers. "Will that work?"

"That'll be perfectly fine," I answer. "See y'all then."

"See you then. Bye."

"Bye," I reply before the call ends. I click my phone off and turn to Keira. "What'd Hayden want?" she asks, peering at me.

"Him, Natasha and the twins are going to stop by in just a little bit," I answer.

"Oh. Okay." She sighs softly and then moseys into our room. I sigh softly and then carry Derek's swing into our room with me.

I notice Keira is sitting in the gigantic black beanbag, doing something on my laptop. I walk over and plop down in the gigantic red one beside the one she's sitting in. "What'cha doing?" I ask, glancing at the computer screen.

"On Facebook. Hey, I just got two friend request from Alanna McMiller and Ronald McMiller. Those names sound so familiar and I just can't put my tongue on it. Do you know who those people are? Because it says you're their mutual friend."

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now