{17} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

AFTER ERIN AND WHITNEY WERE put to bed, Keira nursed and burped Derek again before rocking him to sleep. Once he's laying down in his playpen, Keira comes back into the living room and sits beside me on the couch.

I pull her to lay in between my legs before wrapping my arms around her and kissing the back of her head. "What'cha watching?" she asks.

"Friends," I answer.


"Did you get Erin and Whitney to sleep?" I ask.

"Mm-hmm," she answers. "They're sleeping in the guest room."

I nod my head. After the show, she turns around and faces me. "I think I'm going to lay down," she informs.

"Okay. Night. Sweet dreams. Love you."

"Love you too." She pecks me on the lips before going into our room.

{Friday, December 31, 2010}

It's been six days since the twins spent the night. On Monday, my mom called and asked me to bring the twins home. So, we did and we also did our present exchange at my mom's place.

"So, for y'all to save gas," Korey replies, "we can all load up into the explorer and go drop Monica and Derek off at my mom's place and then head to the beach house."

"Sounds good," I answer. "We can leave here at 3:45, 4:00."

"Sounds good to me," Korey answers.

I smile at him before we get up from the kitchen table and enter the living room. (Last night Stefani, Korey, and Monica spent the night. Easier on gas and all. And also because a brother and sister still need to see each other.)

At 4:00, we left the apartment and went to go drop Derek and Monica off at Sabrina's house. I told Sabrina I didn't know how long we'd be out tonight and she said they can just spend the night and we could pick them up tomorrow.

Arriving at the beach house Korey and Stefani are renting for the weekend, we go inside and begin setting up.

Korey and I were setting up the DJ table outside on the porch, when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. "Hi, Mr. Hunk Face," Keira mumbles into my back.

"What's up, sexiness," I reply, reaching behind me and placing my hands in her back jeans pocket.

"Stef and I are done setting up in the house, so we're now going to get ready upstairs," she replies.

"Okay," I answer.

Before she went inside, I kiss her forehead and then she disappears upstairs with Stef.

"Colby, can I tell you something?" Korey asks from behind me.

I turn to him. "Sure, man. What's up?"

"Well, uh, you know I got Stef pregnant at 16?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "You made your sister an aunt at 17."

"Okay, that was a stupid question," he mumbles. "Anyway, Stef and I have been a lot more sexually active lately and dude I'm freaking terrified to tell my sister. It's not every day your baby sister finds out her twin brother is sexually active with her best friend."

"Isn't Stef pregnant again?" I whisper, cocking an eyebrow.

"Nah, man," he answers. "She had a miscarriage. And even when she was pregnant, we were still sexually active. It's not bad for baby when you sex during pregnancy."

"Dude, you better be glad your sister's not hearing all this," I murmur, shaking my head disapprovingly.

"I know. I know, man." He sighs. = 31 paragraphs

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

While Stef was in the shower, I go outside and stand on the balcony to look out over the ocean. Below me is where my brother and Colby were setting up the DJ table and stuff. I could hear them talking. This is what I heard: "Colby, can I tell you something?" Korey asks.

Two seconds later: "Sure, man. What's up?" Colby asks.

"Well, uh, you know I got Stef pregnant at 16?" I hear him ask Colby.

"Yeah," I hear Colby answer. "You made your sister an aunt at 17."

"Okay, that was a stupid question," I hear my brother mumble. "Anyway, Stef and I have been a lot more sexually active lately and dude I'm freaking terrified to tell my sister. It's not every day your baby sister finds out her fraternal twin brother is sexually active with her best friend."

"Isn't Stef pregnant again?" I hear Colby whisper to my brother.

"Nah, man," I hear my brother answer. "She had a miscarriage. And even when she was pregnant, we were still sexually active. It's not bad for baby when you sex during pregnancy."

"Dude, you better be glad your sister's not hearing all this," I hear Colby murmur.

"I know. I know, man." I hear my brother sigh.

'OMG, so Stef had a miscarriage and didn't tell me? Me, her bestest friend in the entire world. That's really low of my best friend to do' I mentally hiss.

That's when I hear Stefani speak. "Keira?"

I angrily turn to her. "When the hell were you going to tell me?" I hiss, placing my hands on my hips.

She shrunk back some. "T-tell you wh-what?" she asks, her voice shaking.

"Tell me that you had a fucking miscarriage and that you and my fraternal twin brother have been sexually active? Even when you were pregnant," I yell.

"I was going to tell you so— Wait, how'd you even find this shit out?" she asks angrily, coming at me and jabbing her finger against my chest.

"I overheard my brother and husband talking about it," I answer sternly. "I can't believe my own best friend wouldn't tell me! Stefani Diane, that's real low of you to do!"

She shoves me back. "Keira, I can't believe you can't be fucking happy for your best friend! Instead you're going all Caption Crazy on me and yelling at me about being sexually active with your brother."

That's when something hits me. "Stef, I can't fucking believe you," I answer angrily, stepping back from her.

"What?!" she snaps, giving me a nasty face.

'I can't believe I'm about to ask her this question' I thought before sighing and returning my voice to its normal level. "Stef, I need to know, the first time you slept with my brother, were you still a virgin?"

Stefani gasps. "Keira, I can't fucking believe you! You think I'm a fucking slut?" she snaps, jumping straight to conclusions.

"No, I was wondering if you've ever traveled to Europe!" I answer sarcastically. "Of course I'm considering as putting you under the slut category."

"Keira, I fucking hate you! Why did Korey and I even invite you to this party anyway?"

"Uh, because A) I'm Korey's twin sister and B) Korey and Colby are best friends," I answer.

She gives me the finger before pushing me backwards. I trip over a cord and fall over the railing and down to the ground below.

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now