{29} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer


THE NEXT WEEK WAS HECTIC as hell! They were getting ready for Colby's 20th birthday.

For the past week, Korey's been staying with his sister and brother-in-law at their apartment. This past week has been a complete nightmare for Korey and Keira feels so bad for her brother. (She can't believe that just a week ago, he found out that his ex-girlfriend lied to him about Monica and his daughter was taken away.)

Something else that Keira figured out is that her best friend (or who she thought was her best friend) is a complete slut! Keira found out that Stefani has slept with forty-two different guys in two weeks. (Like, tell me that doesn't have major slug written all over it!) Keira feels so bad that Monica has to deal with that, that she just wants to adopt Monica, so she has a stable place to call home and she's still able to see Korey.

Keira takes Derek out of his bath and carries him into the master bedroom. She hears the shower running in the master bath, so she's assuming that Colby was in the shower. She lays Derek on their bed and then grabs a diaper. She puts his clean diaper on and then grabs a white onesie to put him in. "Come on, Derek," she replies, picking him up and carrying him into the living room with her.

She lays him on his play mat and then gets down to where she's laying on her stomach. she begins playing peek-a-boo with him. "Peek-a-boo."

Derek starts giggling and she does it again. "Peek-a-boo." Derek giggles again. "Aw, Derek, you're so adorable," she comments. "You remind me so much of Daddy and Uncle Korey when they were kids."

"He does remind me of me and Colby as kids," Korey answers, coming into the living room.

Keira peers up and smiles at her brother. That's when Korey's phone begins ringing. He grabs it and answers it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mr. Blair, it's Judge Jamie," the person on the other line answers. "Uh, remember last week when Dr. Goodman took those blood samples from you and Monica?"

Korey sits down on the couch. "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, I talked with Dr. Goodman today and he said he accidentally mixed up yours and somebody else's blood samples up. So, he compared it to Monica's again and yours and Monica's blood samples are positive. Monica is your biological daughter."

After she explains that, Korey becomes speechless. "This is the greatest news I've probably ever received," Korey answers. "Where's Monica right now?"

"I spoke with Mr. Honda of the adoption agency where Monica's been staying for the past week," she answers, "and he's bringing Monica to your place. Can I have the address of your location so I can forward it to Mr. Honda?"

"Yes, ma'am. It's 1030 Seminole Drive 33304."

"Thank you. Mr. Honda should be there shortly to drop Monica off."

"Thank you," Korey answers, hanging up.

As soon as his phone is shut, the tears start falling. 'I'm seriously on fucking cloud nine right now' Korey thought.

Keira looks up at her brother. "Bubba, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" she asks, standing up and going over to him.

Korey stands up and embraces her in the tightest hug he's ever given anyone. "Last week Dr. Goodman got the blood samples mixed up. Monica's really my biological daughter. Mr. Honda's bringing her over and dropping her off in a little bit."

Mine [Series 2] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now