{27} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

AFTER THAT LITTLE MOMENT, COLBY grabs Derek and they take their shower.

While they take their shower, I go into the living room and pick it up some. I also go into the kitchen and finish loading the dishwasher and then start it. Then, I go back into the living room and start vacuuming it. While I'm in the middle of vacuuming it, Colby and Derek appear in the room.

Colby lays Derek on his activity mat and plops down on the couch. I switch the vacuum off and turn to my husband. "Please, help," I reply.

"Do what?" he asks, surfing through the channels and not glancing at me.

"Set the damn table or something!" I answer, going over to him and snatching the remote from his hand. "Do something else besides sitting around on your ass!"

"Fine, I'll set the table," he answers as he stands up and goes to set the table.

At 5:00, the doorbell rang. I cover Derek up and go to answer the door.

I open it to reveal Kimberly, Ashton (who's holding James), Tricia, Colton and my brother (who's holding Monica). When Monica sees me, she reaches out for me. I take take her from my brother without complaining and then reply, "Please, come in." I step aside and let everyone in. "Where's Colby?" Korey asks, turning to face me.

"In our room," I answer. "Apparently he's pouting right now."

"Over what?" he asks, going over to his nephew and picking him up.

"Beats me," I answer with a shrug.

He nods.

- - -

After two hours of socializing, I call everyone into the dining room for dinner. They all sit down at the table and I serve the chicken. "Mm, looks good, Keira," Kimberly informs.

I smile at her and then put the remaining in the center of the table. Five minutes into eating, a very pissed off looking Colby enters the dining room.

He grabs his plate off the table, shoves some chicken onto it, and then storms back into the room. "Did something happen between y'all?" Kimberly asks, looking at me.

"No," I answer softly. "Earlier when I asked him to help, he gave me an attitude and afterwards he stormed into our room."

"He can be a pain in the butt sometimes," she answers. "Don't let it bother you."

I fork over a small smile to her. As we're finishing up dinner, there's a knock at the door. So being the good host I am, I get up and answer it. The moment the person on the other side of the door is revealed, I about have a mental breakdown—standing there is Christian.

"Fuck," I mumble. "C-Christian, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you receive my text earlier, babe?" he asks, pushing himself off the doorframe. "I said I was coming over later. So, is your little lover boy gone?"

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

Ten minutes later, I finish my chicken and I just lay back and watch TV. After a few minutes, I hear the doorbell ring from the foyer area. I hear someone get out of their chair and the door. When I hear the voice speak, I realize it's a male's voice. 'I bet that's Christian! He's about to effing get it!' I thought as I place my plate on my nightstand, climb out of bed, and stomp into the foyer area.

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