{25} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer


{Sunday, March 13, 2011}

THE FOLLOWING DAY, THE MOST unexpected thing happens; Keira's dad calls. Her hand shakes uncontrollably as she picks her up and answers. "H-hello?"

"Kiresten," her dad's deep voice answers. "I'm coming to visit! And just me's coming to visit."

"What?!" she practically screams into the phone. "When? Why?"

"Why the hell did you leave?" he snaps. "I was going to get this whole ordeal figured out, but you and your brother decided to pack up and leave! So, I'm coming to visit next weekend for the court date and my lawyer's coming with me."

"But that's not going to give me very much time to get a lawyer," she snaps back. "That only gives me six days to find a lawyer for Korey and I."

"Well, tough shit," he barks. "That's all I was calling to tell you. Now, good bye."

The call ends and Keira angrily clicks her phone off. She was so scared right now, her entire body is trembling uncontrollably. Tears start rolling down her face and loud sobs escape.

She grabs the couch pillow and buries her face deep within it. She wished so bad it was Colby's chest instead of this stupid couch pillow, but whatever.

Colby had just gotten out of the shower, when he hears someone sobbing. It sounds like his wife sobbing. He wraps the towel around his waist and enters the living room. That's where he finds his gorgeous wife sobbing uncontrollably on the couch into the couch pillow. 'What just happened?' he mentally asks.

He quickly rushes over to her and trades the pillow for him. "Babe, what happened?" he whispers as he brushes her hair back.

"M-m-my d-d-dad," she whispers in between sobs.

He brushes her hair back and plants gentle kisses all over her face. "What about your dad?" he asks.

"H-h-he's co-come-coming i-i-in ne-nex-next week-week-weekend fo-for-for th-the cour-court da-da-date," she whispers. "H-h-he's no-not ev-ev-even go-going t-to gi-gi-give m-m-m-me ti-ti-time to-to-to fi-fi-find a-a-a law-lawyer."

"Wait, is this about what he said Friday about finding out if Monica's really his granddaughter? He wants to take this whole ordeal into court? I thought he was fucking kidding."

"We-well ap-apparently he-he-he was-was-wasn't," she whispers. "Wh-what i-i-if Mo-Monica's no-not ev-ev-even m-m-my bro-broth-brother's da-da-daughter. Th-then th-that-that'd me-mean sh-she's no-not m-m-m-my ni-ni-niece."

He cups her face and wipes her tears away with his thumbs. "Babe, you really think Stefani would lie to you a year and a half ago? Babe, she won't lie to you. So, Monica has to be Korey's daughter."

"Well, Stefani and I aren't really friends anymore," she whispers. "So, she could have lied to me."

He presses his lips against hers. After a few moments, he pulls away. "Babe, let's just wait until we have our court date this weekend and then we'll figure this all out," he whispers.

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