{31} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer


ONCE KIMBERLY IS CHECKED IN and stuff, the nurse comes in the room. "Hello, Mrs. Bishop," she replies. "My name's Nurse Taylor and I'll be your nurse you'll be having during your visit. Now what seems to be the problem?"

"Well, today's my daughter-in-law and son-in-law's birthday. Tonight when we were eating cake a food fight began and then suddenly I got this really strong pain in my stomach."

Her nurse nods. "Alright. How many months are you?"

"Eight months," Kimberly answers. "Almost nine."

Her nurse nods. "Alright. Do you mind if I take you into the ultrasound room and do an ultrasound on you?"

"I don't mind," Kimberly replies. "Can my husband come with us?"

"Sure," her nurse answers. "Let me go check to make sure there's an ultrasound room open. I'll be right back."

Kimberly nods. When her nurse returns, she brings Kimberly and her husband into the ultrasound lab. "Alright, please, pull your shirt up and I'm going to squirt this goop on your stomach."

Kimberly does as instructed. After a few moments, a picture of the baby pops up. "Uh oh," her nurse whispers, moving the thingie around.

"What?" Kimberly asks, peering at the screen. "Is my baby okay?"

"Did you know you're having triplets?" Nurse Taylor asks, glancing at Kimberly.

"Wh-what? I'm ha-having tri-triplets? When I went to the doctor for my ultrasound to find out the sex, the doctor told me I was only having one."

"What doctor did you have?" Nurse Taylor asks.

"Dr. Rebekka Jones," Kimberly answers. "She told me I was only having a boy. She didn't say anything about me having triplets."

"Well, she was wrong," the nurse answers. "You're actually having triplets. All boys. And, honey, the pain you got in your lower stomach is actually pre-labor pain. We're going to have to keep you in the hospital for next three and a half months. Right now we're going to try to keep you from giving birth."


Kimberly watches as Nurse Taylor beeps someone in. A few moments later, two doctors enter. They're all dressed in their scrubs, masks, and gloves. "Hello, Kimberly," they reply. "I'm Dr. Jessica Hudson," the first one answers.

"And I'm Dr. Felicity Harrison," the second one answers. "We're going to take you back to your room now and try to hold back the labor for a while longer."

By now, Kimberly was very freaked out. She was so freaked out, she's only able to nod.

Once situated back in her room, Dr. Hudson instructs her strict rules about my bed rest and then the doctor tells Kimberly she'll be back shortly.

Kimberly nods.

After the doctor's gone, Kimberly turns to her husband. "Sweetie, can you go call Colby and explain to him what's going on? I don't want him to freak."

"Sure," he answers. "You also want me to ask him to take Erin, Whitney and James back to his place and him keep an eye on them?"

"That sounds like a lot for him and Keira to handle," Kimberly responds. "Ask if Jeremy or Tricia is still there and have then split up the kids. That'd make it a lot easier."

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