{13} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♜♖♜ COLBY ♖♜♖

{Tuesday, November 30, 2010}

I'M WOKEN UP THE NEXT morning to my phone ringing. I grab it and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, sweetie," Sabrina replies. "I'm going to bring Derek to the hospital because I have to go to work."

"Okay," I answer. "See you in a little bit."

The call ends and I click my phone off. That's when a nurse comes in the room. "Hello, sir," she replies, smiling at me.

"Hello, ma'am," I answer, smiling back at her.

"I don't think you've met me yet," she replies. "My name's Nurse Felicity."

I smile at her. 'Thank God Felicity is older than 30' I mentally thank.

After Sabrina drops Derek off, she goes to work. Laying his car seat on the couch, I unstrap him and pick him up. He stirs some but just kept on sleeping. I gently kiss his temple. "Buddy, Daddy loves you so much," I whisper to him.

I gently rub his back as he just kept sleeping. I gently lay him in his car seat before setting the playpen up. Once the playpen is set up, I lay him in it before sitting down in the rocking chair.

The rest of the morning is slow. Keira woke up around 10:00 and the nurse came in to check on her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she answers. "When can I go home?"

"Uh, you'll have to get the OK from the doctor," the nurse replies.

She nods. The nurse gets her blood pressure and takes her temperature before leaving the room. Keira turns to me. "Babe, is Derek sleeping right now?" she asks. "If not, I need to nurse him."

"He's sleeping right now," I answer.

"Oh," she whispers. "Okay. So, what'cha want to talk about?"

I shrug. "How about this, when do you want to start trying for more kids?" I asked.

"We can start trying as soon as Derek turns 1," she informs. "I want the age difference between Derek and his sibling to be at least twelve months or so apart."

I nod.

- - -

The doctor comes into the room later that morning and informs Keira she has to stay for the rest of the day, and she'll be released tonight. I'm so excited she's coming home tonight.

Derek is taking his two o'clock nap right now. I go over to Keira's bedside and sit down beside her bed. I take her hand and ask, "Babe, are you excited to be going home tonight?"

She nods. "Yep."

I lean into her and gently kiss her cheek. "I can't wait until you're released tonight," I inform.

She smiles at me. 'Could I ask for anyone greater than my wife? I think not' I thought as I mentally smile to myself.

- - -

Later that night, Keira is released. I carry Keira's overnight bag and Derek's car seat out to the car, while a nurse pushes Keira's wheelchair out to the car.

When we arrive home, I carry Keira's overnight bag and Derek's car seat inside while she carries Derek's diaper bag in. As soon as we enter, my mom is standing right there, smiling widely at us. "Hello, children," she replies happily.

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