{14} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

{Friday, December 3, 2010}

AT BREAKFAST, I CRADLE DEREK as we ate our toast with peanut butter on it. That's when Colby's mom comes into the eating area. "Good morning. How did y'all sleep last night?"

"Great," I answer, going back to flipping through my People magazine.

"Fine," Colby mumbles. "Is there a reason you seem so jittery?"

"About that," she answers, "I spoke with Aunt Sierra last night. She told me that her, Uncle Trent, and Jessica are coming in to visit to give you and Tricia your Christmas presents. Also, they just want to spend some time with us and to see your son."

"When are they going to be here?" Colby asks, taking another bite of his toast.

"Saturday and they're staying for a week," she answers.

"Where the hell will they be staying?!" he snaps. "There's no room for extra guests."

"Well, I figured they could just sleep on a blow up mattress in Derek's room," she replies. "I mean, since he's not using it yet."

"No! They're staying in a fucking hotel!" he yells.

"Colby Trent, don't you dare yell at your mother!" she snaps sternly.

"I can talk to you however the hell I want!" he hisses. "This is my damn house! I'm the one that pays for it every month! Not you! So, just shut the fuck up!"

He throws his paper towel away before storming into our room and slamming the door. Sighing softly, I turn my attention to Kimberly. "I think what he was trying to tell you is that he'd prefer his aunt and his uncle to stay in a hotel room," I answer. "I don't know what has gotten into him. He's been acting all emotional ever since the night after you announced you were pregnant."

"I think he was just pretending to be excited for me," she mumbles. "He didn't want to tell me the truth because he knew it'd hurt my feelings, so that's why he didn't say it out loud."

"What was it?" I ask.

"He doesn't believe me being able to take care of four kids. When the baby's born, it and James will only be like a year and a half apart, so that's going to be kind of a challenge for me. Especially since I'm 36."

"You're a great mother," I inform her. "Tricia, Colby, James and this next baby are some of the luckiest kids I know."

"Awe, thanks, sweetie," she responds, smiling at me before kissing the top of my head and sitting down across from me. "So, what are you and Colby doing today?"

I shrug. "Not sure. I think maybe I need to give him some time to cool off. Do you mind watching Derek for a sec? I should go check on him."

"I don't mind," she answers. I gently pass Derek to her before entering into our room. "Baby?"

"My mom pisses me off so much!" he mumbles angrily into his pillow. "Why the hell doesn't she just go back home and screw Ashton?!"

I sit down at the edge of the bed and start to rub his leg soothingly. "She's just trying to help," I inform. "Babe, she's trying everything to make this a better life for us, considering we had Derek at such a young age. She wants to us have the best. She doesn't want us to end up like her and your dad. Her becoming pregnant with Tricia at 15 messed up her entire life, so she's trying her hardest to give us a better life."

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