{8} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

THE REST OF THE WEEK is so relaxing with us having my mom and Kimberly's help; plus, Jeremy would come over and visit. I hate to say it, but Jeremy's being a fantastic uncle to our son. (Never thought I'd be saying that about my ex in a million years. I still can't believe we've forgiven each other.) And I know Derek loves him a lot. He'd also comment Colby saying Derek looks a lot like him when he was a baby and commenting me on my body and how it looks like I didn't give birth to a baby like a week and half ago. (That made Colby and I laugh.)

{Saturday, November 13, 2010}

I'm woken up the next morning to Derek's crying. I quietly climb out of bed and walk over to Colby's side where Derek's bassinet is kept. I bend down and gently turn it off from gently rocking from side to side before picking Derek up. I also grab his me-me from the bassinet. I carry him into the living room and sit down in the rocker with him. "Hey, little guy, shhh," I coo. "Mama's got you."

He just keeps crying. "Is someone hungry?"

In response, he just cries louder. I arrange my to where he's now sucking on my nipple and I sing Hush Little Baby to him as I feed him.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird don't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Momma's gonna buy you a looking glass. If that looking glass gets broke, Momma's gonna buy you a Billy goat. If that Billy goat won't pull, Momma's gonna buy you a carton bull. If that carton bull breaks down, you'll still be the sweetest lil' baby in town."

Derek is wide awake, so he just stares up at me and I smile down at him. "Derek, you look so much like daddy when he was a baby," I comment gently. "And, little guy, did you know, Mama's known Daddy since he was 3."

He just keeps sucking and staring as I smile at him.

When Derek is done, I pull him away and put his Batman Logo paci in his mouth. He's fallen asleep, so I gently put him in his swing and turn on to gentle swing from side to side before putting the music on to play softly. I sit down on the couch and turn the PS3 on to start playing GTA.

A little bit later, Colby comes into the living room. "Mm, babe, how long have you been awake?" he asks with sleepiness still laced throughout his voice as he stretches out his muscles.

"I dunno." I shrug. "An hour maybe. I woke up with Derek this morning because he was hungry, so I figured I'd come out here to breastfeed him so his crying wouldn't wake you up."

"Oh." He comes over to me and bends down before marking his territory. When he pulls away, he has a huge smirk plastered across his face. "Morning, sexy," he replies, smirking.

I giggle. "I can't believe you just gave me a freaking hickey."

He shoots me a sexy wink before going into the kitchen.

I return my attention to playing my game. I play on the PS3 for the next ten minutes, before Colby calls into the living room, "Hey, Keira?!"


He enters the living room and sits down beside me on the floor before handing me a coffee mug. "I spoke with my boss yesterday," he replies, "and she said she wants me to go out of town for two months."

Angry as hell, I pause the game and angrily turn my body towards his. "You're going to leave me, the one who just gave birth to your son, home alone for two fucking months?!" I snap. "When our mom's are suppose to be leaving and returning home in like the next seven weeks."

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