{30} Mine [Series 2]

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© All Rights Reserved - 2013 S. M. Palmer

♥︎♡♥︎ KEIRA ♡♥︎♡

THE NEXT TWO DAYS WERE hectic as ever! Doctors had to run a bunch of other tests on Derek and they had to take a few more blood samples from him. I felt so bad for him. I know how much babies hate it when needles go in them.

Our second night there, Colby told me he was going out with Hayden and Korey and that they were going to see The Heat in theatres. Our third night there, Natasha, Greyson, Derek—let me remind you he's gay—came to pick me up and we went to the mall for a couple hours. I'm glad I was able to get my couple hours of free time and Colby was able to get his couple hours of free time from all this bad shit that's happened.

"Colby, can you strap Derek into his car seat?" I ask. "I have to use the bathroom."

"Yeah," Colby replies. I smile at him and then go to use the bathroom.

While I'm gone, he straps Derek into his car seat. When I return, I realize they're ready to go and I'm happy to get heck out of here!

- - -

As we drive home, I ride shotgun and stare out the window. "Are you excited to be going home?" Colby asks, slowing down for the red light.

I nod. "Mm-hmm. I'm so ready to sleep in my own bed," I answer.

He chuckles under his breath. When we arrive home, I bring Derek into our room to do something with him, while Colby sits down on the couch and switches the PS3 on to Modern Warfare 2.

I retrieve Derek from his car seat and lay him on the bed. "Derek, you want to come take a shower with Momma?" I ask as I strip off his baby blue onesie.

I go to the doorway. "Hey, baby?" I call out into the living room.

He pauses his game and peers up at me. "Hm?"

"I was going to take a shower with Derek," I answer. "Can you come help me?"

He switches the game off and stands up. "Yeah."

Once the shower water is the right temperature, I strip Derek's diaper off and we step into the shower.

Colby stands in front of me. (The shower was designed to where the water comes down like waterfall.) "Can you hold Derek while I fill this cup with water to dump on his head."

Nodding, he takes Derek from me. I grab the blue, plastic cup and fill it with water before carefully getting his head wet. I then get his body wet and start washing him. I hold Derek while Colby's washes his hair and body. When he's done washing himself, he takes Derek from me so I'm able to wash my hair and body. When we're done in the shower, we step out.

I wrap a towel around my hair and my body. Grabbing Derek's towel, I dry him off with it. Colby gets a towel and also wraps it around his waist after drying his hair. Once we're dressed, we decide to go out for a late lunch, early dinner. We decide to go to Steak N' Shake.

To drink, I order a coke and a Reece's Milkshake. Colby orders a coke and a Cookies 'N Cream Milkshake. To eat, I order a grilled cheese with fries and Colby orders a burger with fries.

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